Published Aug 13, 2010
7 Posts
Hi I live in MS and I took NCLEX yesterday 8/11/10. I know 1/2 of my questions were sata, 1 math, a few peds, a couple of ob. It stopped on 75 and my heart dropped even though my faith in God is high. Don't like the sata questions. Would like to know has anyone else from MS done the pvt and if it really worked. I've been checking BON and the pearson vue site over and over. I did get the good pop-up, but waiting to get the quick results option. Will it be available tonight after midnight or tomorrow after 8am since that is when my test started? Thanks in advance for any input to this building headache.
12 Posts
I am from PA... took my test yesterday at 11, got the good pop up and still waiting too. A friend of mine took hers yesterday at 8 and she is on the BON website already with an RN license (she got the good pop up too). I didn't have A GN license so I wonder if it might take them longer to process my license. (Wishful thinking, I guess). The only thing keeping me half sane is the good pop up. It has good odds of being right but with my luck, I will be the one oddball it doesn't work on. I hate this wait. I think we should be able to go into PV tomorrow to find out the results after 48 hrs.
908 Posts
Good luck for positive results! It looks like you passed! :)
38,333 Posts
Good luck.