visit from state to my school


last week state came in to check on our school. there have been several phone calls made about my school. even some instructors have made calls. this is the first year my school has offered nursing classes. it has been a very very bumpy road. we get treated like 5 year olds - and I personally have found out you can not trust the director - and incident happened at our school where I witnessed a fellow classmate steal a disc out of the instructors laptop - the disc happened to be power point and it had all our future tests on it. this student then made copies of the future tests and handed them out to students who wanted them. I felt it was my duty to report this student which myself and one other student did. needless to say my name and the other persons name got out to the other students. I just found out a couple of weeks ago the director told one of the students who took a copy of the tests who called!!!:angryfire I can no longer trust her or this school. I have 6 more months to go and I will be done with this place. I have heard rumors the director is on the way out.

what happened to the student who took the disc??? NOTHING!!! not even suspended:angryfire---state does know about this as well.

I was really hoping this would be a fun experience for me - and it has turned into a chore just to go into class.

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

I really hated LPN school as well. I didn't have a situation as scandelous as the stealing of the exams, but I also had a very questionable director of the program. My advice is, as hard as it is, to stay out of what others do. If a person does not study, even with the answers there, they may not pass the test. Also, stealing may help them pass the course, but the bottom line of the deal will be NCLEX. There will be no cheating or stealing there. I have seen outrageous behavior done where people should have been suspended or expelled, but, nothing happened to them, either. Some people challenged physical fights right in the classroom, amongest other things.

You do the best you can to survive this thing; whether you believe it or not, it does end, and life goes on. It has already been a year since I left school and become a nurse. My last day there, I walked out and never looked back, not even for my own graduation.

Wow, that's too bad! I really hate being with a bunch of women, they can be so caddy! I hope I don't have to deal with this in my program! I dropped out of a program years ago because of other women, I am stronger now and would never let anyone dictate what I do with my life though! Good luck getting through the rest of the program...You can do it!!!

Specializes in Knuckle Dragging Nurse aka MTA.
last week state came in to check on our school. there have been several phone calls made about my school. even some instructors have made calls. this is the first year my school has offered nursing classes. it has been a very very bumpy road. we get treated like 5 year olds - and I personally have found out you can not trust the director - and incident happened at our school where I witnessed a fellow classmate steal a disc out of the instructors laptop - the disc happened to be power point and it had all our future tests on it. this student then made copies of the future tests and handed them out to students who wanted them. I felt it was my duty to report this student which myself and one other student did. needless to say my name and the other persons name got out to the other students. I just found out a couple of weeks ago the director told one of the students who took a copy of the tests who called!!!:angryfire I can no longer trust her or this school. I have 6 more months to go and I will be done with this place. I have heard rumors the director is on the way out.

what happened to the student who took the disc??? NOTHING!!! not even suspended:angryfire---state does know about this as well.

I was really hoping this would be a fun experience for me - and it has turned into a chore just to go into class.

You did the right thing. I respect you for that.

Specializes in Emergency.

You absolutely did the right thing. When I was in school, there was a student who lots of us noticed was positioning herself near the "A" students whenever we had an exam. We reported her, but the instructors could not do anything since there was no concrete evidence that she was cheating. They did divide our class for exams, and separate us throughout the classroom so noone could get a peek at another students paper...needless to say, this particular student quickly failed out after the new test procedure!

It is too bad that your director does not seem to be taking this seriously...I hope the investigation results in her termination. After all, who would want a nurse to take care of them who cheated their way through school? Not me! I also hope that whoever accepted copies of the exams gets kicked out of school. Nursing has a strict code of ethics that this violates in every way possible, not to mention, risks the lives of the patients in their care!


I can say that afterwards I was not treated very nicely by my other classmates. I still do not talk to the student who took the test - I feel he has no business being a nurse. And should be gone from the program.

I just hope when I go on to my RN classes I am with more mature people.

I am soooo happy I am at my half way point and next week starts a week of vacation!!!!:monkeydance:My brain feels like mush this Friday is my pharmacology & IV therapy final. wish me luck

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

While I think you did the right thing ethically, if you are not getting support from the powers that be, and you are not failing yourself, pull back and maybe it is better that you are not dealing with the classmates. At times, the less you know the better. WHy deny the world of a competent nurse (meaning yourself) by not completing the program?

I had a horrible program director as well. She was a demon in wolf's clothing. She antagonized people, started fights and gossip between the students and once, it was a supposed fact that when she was an instructor for the RN program, she gave people copies of the final because she was competitive with the other professor, who was definitely no-nonsense. Now, if the program director is issuing exams to help students cheat, where will the limits end??? I stayed very quiet in the program, avoided everyone and graduated with damned good grade. It was better for me to know less, so that I can focus on myself and not feel so conflicted. And, when I walked out of there, I never looked back, not even to return for the graduation ceremony.

I know this is hard. But, finish the program with tunnel vision. Don't let their misbehavior and ineffectiveness stop your future. Maybe the state can take care of that. Or, if they ask you, ensure that you are protected.

I have no plans at all to walk away. I am 41 and it is my turn to have my dreams come true. I really don't care what the other students think - I know I did the right thing. Most of them talk to me now anyways.

This school I go to has a really great program and I hope as soon as the bugs are all worked out I hope for them great success.

I just want to graduate take my NCLEX and get on with my life. At least when I walk across the stage I will know I did it without cheating and I earned the right to be called a nurse. rather it be RN or LPN when its all said and done we are all nurses and we are there for our patients.

wow!! i congratulate you for doing what you were suppose to do... you were actually protecting patients from those boso nurses... i had a similay situation this student always passed with high scores through out the program and towards the end i just watched her cause i knew as well as my other class mates that there was something fishy about her.. well turned out she would wright notes in her hand and so we reprted her and after that we had our hands checked before a test they couldnt do nothing to her cause she was smart enought to erase it on time ... its sad but we did make it aware of what she was doing after that she didnt do it again she learned her leason ;)

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