Very depressed & q for older students


I was due to start my assoc. Rn FT program today. My support system to help with my four kids (three on the autistic spectrum) dropped out from under me literally at the last minute. To say I am devastated would be a huge understatement. I've been crying off and on all day. The good news is that they've deferred my enrollment for one year and I'm all set to start next year. I'm still worried about my loans however plus financial aid. So, I guess any good thoughts spread my way would be greatly appreciated. Has this happened to anyone here? I'm also an older student so I'll be 46 when I start next year now. Am I the oldest new student here? Someone please say I'm not alone!!

Specializes in Women's Services, School Nursing.

nursing school can be challenging during the best of circumstances, but i have found that the best students are those who are older with children (myself included). the added responsibility gives us an edge that the younger, easily destracted students can't compete with. when something is meant to be, you would be amazed at the odds that can be overcome.

i graduate in december with my bsn, and i have made it through ns with perfect attendance so far with a 7 & 9 y/o ( they were 3 & 5 when i started). when i started i had just moved to a new town (small southern town), didn't know anybody, had no family or friends here to help out, and my husband works a schedule that requires him to be away three weeks out of the month. i have one babysitter that i was blessed by the grace of god to meet. without her, i literally would not be graduating this december.

you need to find a babysitter like mine. i started talking to everyone that i met about my need for a sitter. chances are, if there is someone like you who needs a sitter, there is a sitter out there somewhere that needs you. my bsn department head told me to "start networking," and that's what i did. as a nurse, you will often have to deal with adversity, & "roll with the punches." use this situation as a learning experience to find strenght within yourself that you didn't know existed.

best of luck to you! you can do it!

I am 40 and just started the RN program. Have you thought about contacting the disability resource center for your state to see if they will provide appropriate childcare for your kids? I have a handicap child and although we haven't had to use this service, it is available to us. The benefits for disabled- especially autistic- children available are astounding, but you may have to do some hard searching to find just what you need. Don't give up hope!

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
I was due to start my assoc. Rn FT program today. My support system to help with my four kids (three on the autistic spectrum) dropped out from under me literally at the last minute. To say I am devastated would be a huge understatement. I've been crying off and on all day. The good news is that they've deferred my enrollment for one year and I'm all set to start next year. I'm still worried about my loans however plus financial aid. So, I guess any good thoughts spread my way would be greatly appreciated. Has this happened to anyone here? I'm also an older student so I'll be 46 when I start next year now. Am I the oldest new student here? Someone please say I'm not alone!!

I am very sorry about what happened and I hope you can get everything in place for next year and that it works out, I haven't read all the posts yet so not sure if it was said that since you don't actually collect on your loans it won't count against you. You can reapply the next year. This is usually why funding isn't passed out to the student until after the drop dates in case something happens the money isn't already spent. So that is good.

I just started my program and out of 50 students I would say at LEAST 15 of them are in their 50's or higher. :)

Thank you so much to all of you. I can't tell you what those words of compassion and encouragement meant at such a rotten time. I've already started working on getting new plans for childcare including the respite which was a brilliant suggestion. I'm trying very hard to look at this philosophically and remind myself I willl have extra time to fight to get one son into a private school and another into a college with a program for special needs students and then I have a daughter applying to other colleges so maybe this happened for a reason but I will not give up. I worked my tush off for the past three years to maintain a 3.9 average in all my classes including A & P and Micro and the rest. I'm very proud of what I've achieved so far and I'm very serious about becoming a nurse so I will absolutely be there next year with bells on. I'm a little freaked out over being yet another year older but I know I'm not alone and I appreciate your messages! Thanks again for all the great messages, it did make me feel better!

Specializes in Geriatrics..
As you can tell from all the replies, you're not likely to be the oldest student--not by a long shot. I just turned 52 and started this week. I'll be almost 54 when I graduate. My instructor/advisor told me that she just met a guy who just started the evening program who is 63.

That is truly inspirational. I love seeing older students, myself. It gives me hope that I may be like that when I am older, full of life and ready for new challenges even as I age. Even in the nursing home where I work,the residents are playing video games and learning how to use the computer. I am starting to appreciate the phrase you're only as old as you feel.

Specializes in Psych.

I'm so sorry that you're missing your planned start date. We have a saying at our school regarding childcare: "Have a backup for your backup." I hope this extra year gives you time to get an ironclad support system in place. My 11yo is autistic, so I can completely relate to the extra issues this adds. Know that a whole bunch of us are out here cheering for you!

Specializes in LTC, MDS Cordnator, Mental Health.

I Was 45 when I started. I went from the BotToM UP.... working full time as a CNA until I graduated the LPN and then as an LPN unti I graduated as an RN. I was 48 when I graduated. My sister started when she was 46 and just graduated as a LPN and is presently. doing her Pre requisites and Co Requisites. it is never to late.... don't let age be a thing that YOU hold against yourself... you are there for one reason only.... the become a nurse. if you search this board there are Dozen of threads that pertain to this topic.

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