Versed IV push or Ativan IVP

Specialties Critical


so what is better to calm the crazy icu patients. And how strong the versed is mg to mg compare to ativan ?

That would be unusual in the CC unit, but a 10 mg bolus followed by an infusion wouldn't be unreasonable in a lot of situations.

Specializes in CVICU.

Zyprexa, Seroquel, or Geodon are preferred. Others have mentioned a Precdex drip but I echo the sentiments that it rarely has the desire effect. We still use it in my ICU though. To answer your question, though, I'd use Ativan over Versed.

I would also use Ativan over Versed. I am surprised at the comments about Precedex. I think it's a great drug. Having said that, I see it have the most dramatic results with younger patients. We use a bottle only to get things started. If they are going to be on Precedex for a while, the pharmacy mixes up a big bag.

With older patients, I see Seroquel giving great results in the medium/long term, and Haldol is wonderful in the short term.

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