Published Aug 23, 2010
81 Posts
How many of your facilities do this? It can be costly using a third party company for accuracy. Or do you verify in your state only?
caroladybelle, BSN, RN
5,486 Posts
Why would one need to verify the licenses from the other states?
And if you think verifying is pricey, try optaining them.
I am thinking of getting my staffing agency going again but seeing as how larger facilities ask for all state licenses you hold, I was wondering if they verify all of them and if I should do the same.
Anyone with experience in facility offices who have first hand knowledge.
Thx :)
38,333 Posts
I would think one would verify all state licenses to insure that you are not employing someone who has had a license disciplined or revoked in another state. The nursing profession is known to have poor followup when it comes to disciplinary actions involving more than one license.
90 Posts
Most places verify all states
10 Articles; 18,999 Posts
My staff verifies 5,000 + physicians license/yr -dont' pay a dime using each states online professional license verification website, printout and save bi anial license verification. Agency does pay for sanction check access on yearly basis. I would verify all states license, to avoid potential lawsuit from scant few who skip from state to state with + disciplinary history involving practice issues.
240 Posts
You can probably let an administrative assistant check licenses if done right here on line via the state education sites.