Verification of License from Saudi Arabia

World Registration


Hi everyone! I am currently waiting for my CES (Credentials Evaluation Service) report from CGFNS so I can go ahead and apply for licensure here in Tx. CGFNS already received all the requirements except this VOL (Verification of License) from Saudi Arabia. Last March 29,2015, when I called SCFHS (Saudi Commission for Health Specialties) I was informed that they no longer process the VOL due to the large number of organizations outside KSA requesting them to fill up this forms. And that the Certificate of Good Standing which they currently issue via their website is valid and enough to verify the license. They also emailed me the announcement letter that says so. I called CGFNS the next day and informed them about it, I was told they are not aware of this matter and that they're going to investigate and see why SCFHS had stopped this process. So I waited, after a week I called them again and they responded that they are already aware of this problem and that they have people working on this matter and communicating with SCFHS. Until now they still tell me the same.

I stressed out the Certificate of Good Standing which CGFNS said they accept but it has to come directly from SCFHS. The problem now is when I called SCFHS, I was told that it is an automated process and that I have to register in their website, provide a valid email where they can send the certificate after payment. And that it is their only way to provide me the certificate as they don't and never send this certificates via a post mail. Now Im getting really sad about all this and don't know what to do next. Is anyone here in the same dilemma I'm in? I need help... :cry:

Hello Edz86. I would also like to ask for a copy of the saudi council announcement. I am also having problems with my application. Thank you.

[email protected]


please send me the announcement as well ms edz86. thank u- [email protected]

Dear Edz,

my case was same as yours. I have an application in UK. I applied for CGS, paid the necessary fees and have it sent to UK. however, there was a mistake in the year indicated in my CGS. If this info would help, SAudi Council is now filling up Verification Forms. I had mine submitted last March 2016. However the discrepancy in the CGS still remains. If you may, could you also send me the email from saudi coucil? i hope this would help me. and i wish you well in your application. my email is [email protected] thanks a lot!

Hello Lolie! I have similar dilemma as yours. my CGS indicates different year of registration and NMC is bothering me so much asking a ot of explanation from SCFHS which they dont provide. how is your case?

hi edz86 would u mind to send me the announcement letter from scfhs.? actually I've done my CES already but I just realized that I need also a vol of my. license here in ksa.

Specializes in pediatric nursing.


which scfhs branch did you go?

does the riyadh branch fill up the form?

Can I ask for the copy of the Saudi Council announcement?can you send it to my email aesa85@yahoo? Thank you very much

hi, i am in riyadh and starting to process my CGFNS (CES order) which is a requirement for my NCLEX. Can someone help me please on where to go to get a Licensing validation for nurses.(Saudi Council). There i s a form that needs to be filled up and should be verified by the Licensing Authority, afterwhich, it has to be mailed back to CGFNS by the Licensing Authority. Any idea pls, thank you for your help..

In addition, I also need a Fingerprinting procedure for Illinois state. where should i go. Please help

hi Edz86, im currently in Michigan and I am getting frustrated about my CGFNS application. They want a Validation of license from Saudi. I have read the conversations here. I am hoping that you can guide me to the next step that I need to do.

Please email me at [email protected]

Thank you.

Hi, I am currently having this same problem. I am currently residing in Michigan and CGFNS wanted the VOL from Saudi too. Please help me coz I am getting frustrated about my application. Thank you.

You can email me at [email protected]

Please need ur help regarding this. Thank you.

Hi Edz, can you please help me with this matter? CGFNS won't proceed with my credential evaluation without my validated license from saudi arabia.

Can you please tell me the steps so I can follow it?

You can reply here or my email [email protected]

Thank you.

cdarroles13 Has anybody replied to you yet? Im getting frustrated regading this validation of license from Saudi :(

Hi, did Edz86 send you email regarding validation of license from saudi? Can I have a copy please. [email protected]. thank you so much.

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