Verification of License from Saudi Arabia

World Registration


Hi everyone! I am currently waiting for my CES (Credentials Evaluation Service) report from CGFNS so I can go ahead and apply for licensure here in Tx. CGFNS already received all the requirements except this VOL (Verification of License) from Saudi Arabia. Last March 29,2015, when I called SCFHS (Saudi Commission for Health Specialties) I was informed that they no longer process the VOL due to the large number of organizations outside KSA requesting them to fill up this forms. And that the Certificate of Good Standing which they currently issue via their website is valid and enough to verify the license. They also emailed me the announcement letter that says so. I called CGFNS the next day and informed them about it, I was told they are not aware of this matter and that they're going to investigate and see why SCFHS had stopped this process. So I waited, after a week I called them again and they responded that they are already aware of this problem and that they have people working on this matter and communicating with SCFHS. Until now they still tell me the same.

I stressed out the Certificate of Good Standing which CGFNS said they accept but it has to come directly from SCFHS. The problem now is when I called SCFHS, I was told that it is an automated process and that I have to register in their website, provide a valid email where they can send the certificate after payment. And that it is their only way to provide me the certificate as they don't and never send this certificates via a post mail. Now Im getting really sad about all this and don't know what to do next. Is anyone here in the same dilemma I'm in? I need help... :cry:

no clear procedure yet...but in working on it and trying to find the solution...if i get one?..ill post it..

Hi everyone! I am currently waiting for my CES (Credentials Evaluation Service) report from CGFNS so I can go ahead and apply for licensure here in Tx. CGFNS already received all the requirements except this VOL (Verification of License) from Saudi Arabia. Last March 29,2015, when I called SCFHS (Saudi Commission for Health Specialties) I was informed that they no longer process the VOL due to the large number of organizations outside KSA requesting them to fill up this forms. And that the Certificate of Good Standing which they currently issue via their website is valid and enough to verify the license. They also emailed me the announcement letter that says so. I called CGFNS the next day and informed them about it, I was told they are not aware of this matter and that they're going to investigate and see why SCFHS had stopped this process. So I waited, after a week I called them again and they responded that they are already aware of this problem and that they have people working on this matter and communicating with SCFHS. Until now they still tell me the same. I stressed out the Certificate of Good Standing which CGFNS said they accept but it has to come directly from SCFHS. The problem now is when I called SCFHS, I was told that it is an automated process and that I have to register in their website, provide a valid email where they can send the certificate after payment. And that it is their only way to provide me the certificate as they don't and never send this certificates via a post mail. Now Im getting really sad about all this and don't know what to do next. Is anyone here in the same dilemma I'm in? I need help... :cry:
Hi Edz86. Did CGFNS accept the email og good standing as a validation of license from saudi? I need help because I am facing the same problem you faced before. Thank u

Hi everyone. Could you pls send me a copy of the announcement letter [email protected]. Thankyou. Any update regarding all your application. Need your advise. I completed all the requirements of NNAS. I received their email regarding verification. Any advise. Pls. Thankyou

Hello there. Is saudi council accepting verification of license already. Or Am I still going to use certificate of good standing

Hi Edz86

Same problem here too, can you please forward me the copy of the announcement from KSA also.

God bless and best of luck

Thanks so much,


yes...i just finished my application...bring ur certificate with translation...copy of arabic cert...copy of saudi council id...proceed to first floor right side ...they will accept and will tell you to go back after one sar 150 will have your copy of VOL

Hi Edz86,

Having same problem here too can you please forward me the copy of the announcement from KSA also, at [email protected]

God Bless and best of luck

Thanks so much,


Hi cdarroles13,

My license is expired already? will they still process it? If i will ask my friend to send my documents personally to saudi council will they ask for any authorization letter? Any idea,..please.

Thank you,


saudi council is now renewed online thru mumaris..check the mumaris website and you should have 30 cme hours to qualify

Thank you very much cdarroles13 for the information, god bless..

Hi EDz86,

Can u plz snt the Vol from Saudi council announcement letter from scfhs. It will be a great help if it snt to my mail as soon as possible . I'm in emergency situation. My mail id is [email protected].

Thank you

Hi Edz86. I am also currently on my application for the NMC. Can you also send me the email of the Saudi Council pertaining to the detail that they do not send fill up forms for the request coming from international regulatory bodies. My email os [email protected] Thank you! :)

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