Vent and need advice please.


Specializes in MSN, FNP-BC.

:(:oornt: :spbox:

Just a warning. :D

Anyway....I've posted here before about another tech that I work with and the troubles we've had with this person. Just the other day I was told by someone that this tech was orienting (HOW this person is orienting new people is beyond me :icon_roll: ) that the current tech was berating each individual person on this unit and the orientee told me that this tech made her not want to come back because of how bad tech A made the job sound. This is completely unacceptable and I told the charge nurse. Charge nurse had a talk with her as did the nursing manager.

So now tech A has convinced her bff on nights to come to days. :eek::no: :banghead:

This is a bad thing because of the two tech A is the dominant personality and tech B follows tech A around like they are a god or something.

I just don't have a good feeling about this at all.

I know tech B has a bad history of consistently calling in for whatever reason as does tech A. Whenever tech A is scheduled for a weekend, they call in. I've also heard other things about tech B but since I haven't experienced them myself I won't go any farther.

Tech A has a STRONG history of lying about doing her job and not doing it. I consistently find where she hides stuff to make it look like she did something but really didn't. Tech A outright lies to patients and their families. Example: lunch on our unit comes at about 12:30. A pt had a tray sitting in their room untouched (feeder). Pts family comes in and asks about lunch. Tech A tells them at 1:30 that lunch just got there 5 minutes ago. Pts family asks if food can be warmed up. Tech A asks them in only the way tech A can say it, if they know where the microwave is. :no:

One time tech A calls in on me, on a weekend of course, so I was left as the only tech on the floor. She then comes in the following Monday and claimed that she worked that weekend. :angryfire :redlight:

I just have a feeling that tech B is going to pick up on her laziness and get the same bad attitude because tech B sees tech A getting away with it.

It just reeks of disaster and my heart sunk when I saw that tech B was coming to days.

I also have a very strong feeling that tech A talked tech B into coming to days because we just lost a tech (turned Unit sec) because she is having complications with her pregnancy. Honestly, we're staffing just fine even with the pregnant tech not teching. :rolleyes:

Ugh. I know the drama is rediculous. :smackingf I just wonder if I should say something to management? Luckily I float and that helps because I can avoid working with these two a lot easier.

I'm just concerned about the unit as a whole. I take much pride in where I work. I know we work in one of the hardest units in the hospital and morale is already fragile. I just don't want to see our unit fall apart. Stress levels are already high because of tech A on days and to add tech B to the mix just spells disaster to me.

I'd hate to see the nurses that I work with quit. I work with such a great group of nurses and when I graduate (April 2010 :nurse:) I"m strongly considering working on this unit just because of who I work with but if those two are there, I don't think there's any way I can do it.

I just don't know what to do. This move makes me want to go permanent in the unit I float to.

What would you do if you could see the storm brewing? I feel so helpless but I care so much for the unit I work for that I don't want to leave the nurses I work with because we work so well together. We are such a team and I feel that team is falling apart. It's breakking my heart.:scrying: :sofahider :weathercloudandrain

Specializes in Ortho, Case Management, blabla.

Uhm, just do your job to your fullest extent/ability and ignore them. You'll shine. I know it makes your job more difficult, but there are always going to be people like that no matter where you work.

there are so many things that you have no control over. try to spend your energies making yourself the best nurse you can, rather then focus on things around you that you can't control. you will not change not try. i think "going to management" can blow up in your face, you want to pick and choose your battles when going to management.

Specializes in Ortho, Neuro, Detox, Tele.

I worked with a couple of people like that, and some weren't on my shift...I concentrated, asked the questions that I needed answered to do my job, and gave the BEST possible care that I could give. Often, people remembered me from night to night, and I received thanks and "wow, they didn't do that or tell me that today"....sometimes I would fall a little behind, and my job did become tough.

I believe that a person's work ethic shows in EVERYTHING they do. Even today, I took care of a LOL for a 2nd night...I was on the other side of the curtain, suctioning her, and I heard her daughter say "Oh, Lorenzo, "the good nurse" is here. He's really gentle with mom, and he answers me honestly." to her granddaughter. Things like that let me KNOW i'm doing a good job....even if I don't get cards or mentions on the press-gainey survey.

You sound like you are a GOOD CNA....don't let it make you jaded. Karma is a real b**** comes right back around. Good luck. (and BTW, I went from a CNA to RN on the same unit).....It really helps.

Start writing stuff up. If you just keep quiet and just do your own job, that will never get these 2 to change or get rid of them. Be sure you are honest, do not present your documentation to Management prematurely, don't present it at all if you don't have to. Try to talk with Management first. But before anything, see if their work has improved and maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Don't sweat the small stuff like having a family microwave the food. The really bad stuff is lying that VS were done but weren't, that people were cared for but weren't, or that someone is abusing people, hiding and not doing what they are assigned to do, stuff like that.

Tech A has a STRONG history of lying about doing her job and not doing it. I consistently find where she hides stuff to make it look like she did something but really didn't. Tech A outright lies to patients and their families. Example: lunch on our unit comes at about 12:30. A pt had a tray sitting in their room untouched (feeder). Pts family comes in and asks about lunch. Tech A tells them at 1:30 that lunch just got there 5 minutes ago. Pts family asks if food can be warmed up. Tech A asks them in only the way tech A can say it, if they know where the microwave is.

As far as the microwave thing, it's a fine line because we want patients family to assist in care of their loved one......and it should start in the hospital.....if they know where the nutrition room is.....there is no reason why they can't grab their loved one water, crackers, etc. if the pt is allowed to have those things. We are nurses, not waitresses (please don't take that the wrong way I am not above these things by ANY means) but enabling family with every need is not healthy in the long run either. If a pt needs help being fed and the family is there they most certainly should help them eat.....they may have to do this at home, and there is not a reason why it shouldn't start in the hospital. Just like we teach pts to inject themselves if they are diabetic, or we teach a new mom to change diapers on a new baby, and they do it themselves. With all of the above, it's all in your delivery with how you say it to patients too.

As far as the allegations of VS or whatever else being documented but not done.......this is serious....very serious......and you better make sure you have UNDISPUTABLE evidence that this is the case. You don't want a lawsuit slapped back at you for defamation or slander of someone's professional character. I'm not sure how you can prove it......but you really better make sure that this is the case before you say anything. Make sure it's all just not back talk and rumor....or speculation.

Specializes in MSN, FNP-BC.

I realize that the microwave example was a bad one. I agree that we should encourage families to do as much as they can for their loved one. It was just her attitude that was bad and I know you can't really convey an attitude on a bulletin board.

I just needed to vent but I agree. I'm just going to sit back, do my best and let whatever needs to happen, happen.

I'm not out to change this person. I don't have the time nor the energy for that, I just want them gone. :D :yeah:

Specializes in ICU.

you are spending a great deal of energy worrying about something that you have no control over. all you can do is do your job the best you can. if tech A or B do or don't do something that endangers your them. the unit does not revolve around one person. that is giving this person waaaaay too much power. one person will not make or break a unit of dedicated personnel. life will go way or always does. :smokin:

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