VENT!! Called off and labeled "No Call No Show" LOOONG...

Nurses General Nursing


Ok, So this today really got to me:

I was offered a position at a hospital I had worked at as an agency LPN, and I accepted. My agency was wonderful and knew that I was looking for a permanent place, so they let me go, w/o charging a fee. It was for float pool, but due to poor staffing, I somehow am still working 48 hrs a week (four 12's back to back, w/ weekends off).

Yesterday I received a call from the house supervisor, who told me that my shift was cancelled(I work 7p-7a, so this call was around 4p). So, I grabbed a few friends, told them I was off for the night, and went to catch a movie, followed by dinner. After I had gotten to dinner, and remembered to turn my cell phone back on (had it on silent during the movie), I noticed I had a voicemail. The VM stated that "One of our LPNs called and quit, and I know you were called off, but we need you. Come in ASAP".

I called the nursing office, but no answer. I hadn't worked in a few days(fri-sun, and then was cancelled on monday), so tonight a friend calls to check on me. I was then informed that I was labeled a no call no show:angryfire:angryfire:angryfire and I have to work dayshift tomorrow to meet with the house sup and the nursing director at the hospital to explain myself.

I know I posted this as a vent thread, but was I wrong? I was told I was cancelled, went out to a place where I couldn't use my phone, and then they decided they needed me. I wonder if this will result in disciplinary action? Getting an LPN position in a hospital is hard in my area, and I don't want to lose my job, but I fear what tomorrow brings. Any advice? I really love this job...

Specializes in CTICU, Interventional Cardiology, CCU.

I am glad to hear that everything worked out...

I am an RN working in an innercity hosp. Every so often we get called off when our census is low. Last week, I was called at about 5:45pm by the day shift charge nurse, to tell me I had PTO for the night. I was just getting up anyway to shower and get ready but since I was given PTO I wanted to wake up, have a cup of coffee and talk to my finace and my future inlaws...I was thrilled. My fiance just had major surgery and I was taking care of him so it was very conveinent. I was also at my finace parents house, I slept there in b/t shifts b/c he was staying there, rather than our townhouse.

So I went down stairs, told my fiance and my future in-laws I had PTO for the night...

About 20 min later I get a phone call from the staffing office at work...stupid me Ipick up the phone and they tell me it's no longer PTO but conditional PTO, so I am on call untill 11pm. Ok fine..about 3 min later I get another phone call from the staffing office telling me I have to come in for my regular scheduled shift 7p-7a. OK....

Now I call my floor b/c I was annoyed at this point and it was almost 6:30pm and my shift is susposed to start at 7pm. I taked to the charge nurse, she had no idea staffing was calling me telling me to come in and my PTO was cancelled and that I had to work....

I said, "thank god I am at my fiance's parents house which is only 20 min away from the hosp, and not our townhouse, which is 50 min away. but I am going to be late b/c I have been playing musical phone calls with sorry but it's not my fault that I was told I have the night off then told I am on call then told I have to come in. So I will be there by 7:30pm...."

I got to work and well what a trns out they didn't need me at all but I said, " I am here, I already had 2 huge cups of coffee, I am going to work so figure out my assignment and no worries. "

But this sort of thing happens all the time on my floor. I can't tell you how many phone calls I have gotten telling me I have PTO for the night, then with in 10-30 min later I get another phone call telling me I am on call, then another phone call telling me to either come in or stay home...

It's fine if I am being told I am on call, b/c I can be ready...but when they mess around making 3 or 4 different ohone calls teling me different things I get mad b/c I live about an hour away from the hosp.

I have gotten to the point when I say, "you know I live about an hour from the hosp, so when you do this last min. come in nonesene, after being told I have off, I am going to be late. When I am on call everyone knows I will be there ASAP, BECAUSE I AM ON CALL. But this calling me and telling me 3 or 4 different things has to stop."

It will never stop, but hey I became a nurse for a reason so I guess I am just happy to have a job.

Glad to hear that it turned out ok for the OP. Nice to hear something positive for a change.

Glad to hear that it turned out ok for the OP. Nice to hear something positive for a change.

It sure is. It was just a mistake and they admitted it. What a novel idea. Glad things worked out.

Specializes in ER.

When this telephone yoyoing starts I have to take a stand rather than be dreading the phone. I understand things changing, but not 5 times in 30 minutes- just make a decision already! Even as a casual I got called, then called off, then put on again, and only once had to say, "nope, I've made plans in the last 5 minutes, and I'm no longer available." Apparently my boss almost bit off her own tongue when I said that, but they actually decided what they wanted before they called after that incident.

As a full time nurse if they call me off I unplug the phone so I can enjoy my day. If I'm on call that's fine, and I'll be there with bells on, but being off is NOT being on call.

Specializes in Mental Health, Emergency, Surgical.
It was just a mistake and they admitted it. What a novel idea.

:lol2:That totally cracks me up, Batman! That's worthy of quoting in a sig! Gotta love the dry humour.

I sure am glad for you, OP, that it all worked out in your favour. It so easily could have been the opposite. That's what I can't get over; how you can do everything right and still get shafted. I don't know if I will ever truly understand workplace politics...:confused:

Specializes in LTC/Rehab,Med/Surg, OB/GYN, Ortho, Neuro.

I'm glad I've never completely had the yo-yo phone calls. If I get a second call after I've been called off, I tell them "Sorry, but I've already started drinking", even if I haven't. :smokin:

I'm glad I've never completely had the yo-yo phone calls. If I get a second call after I've been called off, I tell them "Sorry, but I've already started drinking", even if I haven't. :smokin:

This is an excellent excuse, even for those who don't drink alcohol.;)

Specializes in CTICU, Interventional Cardiology, CCU.
I'm glad I've never completely had the yo-yo phone calls. If I get a second call after I've been called off, I tell them "Sorry, but I've already started drinking", even if I haven't. :smokin:

HAHAHAHA you don't know how many times I wish I could have said that...hahaha..:yeah:

HAHAHAHA you don't know how many times I wish I could have said that...hahaha..:yeah:

Now THAT'S an idea!:D:D:yeah::D:D

Specializes in med-surg.

In the hospital where I work at, if they call you off, you are "available" to be called back in for the remainder of the day. Sort of a on-call thing. If you don't come in when needed, its considered a no call no show...

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