Veeb Nassau County School of Practical Nursing 2021

Nursing Students School Programs



@BeKind2 Hey, there will be new teachers so whomever they are will have their own PowerPoints so whatever she sent you won’t be useful.

@Lisha33 Hi actually even if the teachers have different PowerPoints I would still find the old PowerPoints to be useful .

Is VEEB very stressful? Is it as intense as taking nursing prerequisites at a 4 yr college? I also got in, just wanna know what to expect. 

@BeKind2 If I knew before the amount of workload was coming my way I would have enjoyed the last couple weeks before starting Veeb. I barely even sleep now to be honest or let me say for the past 10months. Everything will fall into place & like Lisha said it wouldnt really matter although I get you want to see the material before you start but compared to when BMP1117 attended a lot have changed. Send your email, will see what I can send for you to review.


Please send it to me too, if you still have it. [email protected]

Thank you @KayMuckette the week before Veeb starts I plan to take off an just get some rest I wish I could take off a month but I can't

I can imagine the workload must be stressful I am So used to being stressed out I had to work overnight because I had college classes In The day time and I had a CNA class at night time I still had to help kids with homework make food and freeze it in the freezer for the week I was getting no sleep I did not have time for myself or selfcare ( and everyone should always make time for self care) I hated working overnight its so taxing on the body but I had no choice  students in my CNA class traveled from Brooklyn or diff boroughs to my CNA school bc the price was cheap our class was late  at night so some students had to take the train to Brooklyn or the bronx  I was worried about them because everyday there is a murder or stabbing reported on the train so I volunteered to give them a ride every night 

before class started I printed out a CNA practice test but I made extra copies to hand out to students who may want the practice test when class started everyone wanted a copy I have so much stress in my life but I still printed out a copy for all my classmates and I helped everyone that I could so I appreciate you @KayMuckette for being a kind person and volunteering to send me some PowerPoints I hope u can send them as soon as possible I am not picky whatever u can find is fine with me if u have even one PowerPoint  that has some math questions from the medical dosages math class that is from the 1st semester  I would really appreciate  it I believe the class is called vocational adjustments I will send my email to your inbox

@KayMuckette please let me know ( or anyone else if u attend veeb u can also reply) do we have to take a medical dosages math exam at the beginning of every semester Or no?

@KayMuckette hi I tried sending my email to your direct message inbox but it won't allow me to do so until allnurses has a rule that everyone must make 15 posts before they can send or receive direct messages  so far U have only made 12 posts so can u make 3 more posts please so I can send u a DM maybe u can reply to my question about the math class just separate your answer into 3 diff posts


@BeKind2 @nursingcand Going to try my best and send the the materials/PPs before Friday. Have a lot of exams and assignments this week. Just remind me if anything. I Will email you guys directly.

@KayMuckette OK thank you and good luck with your exams I know u will do well on those exams

I tried DM you and it still said kaymuckette can't receive messages all nurses is being annoying with this 15 posts rule u already made 15 posts so I don't know why it's not working  please make 3 more posts just write a couple words in each technology is so smart now a days maybe it detected 2 of the posts only had 1 word in it you can write the same thing from your last message that consisted of a paragraph  just break it into 3 separate messages 3 sentences 1 post can say "I have  alot of exams next week " the second post can say " I hope I do well on these exams" whatever u want to write u can write I'm sorry that this website is being so technical when I first joined all nurses I couldn't understand  why I couldn't send DM an then I Googled it an I saw the rule so I just posted like 20 comments an then it worked I just went on diff topics on allnurses and I wrote 1 sentence which was good luck to all the students words of encouragement stuff like that


@KayMuckette do u have to take a math exam every semester in Veeb I keep asking this question  but no one has answered the question?

@KayMucketteKayMuckette you don't have to make 3 more posts because I decided to try a different way I clicked on your name and I was able to send u a DM

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