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About Lisha33

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  1. @BeKind2 Hey, there will be new teachers so whomever they are will have their own PowerPoints so whatever she sent you won’t be useful.
  2. @BeKind2 Thank you! Yes they do ask you for the 3rd booster shot and you’ll have to send an updated copy of the Covid card. We didn’t start clinicals until October.
  3. I’m in the 3rd trimester. They didn’t ask for the card until a few weeks before clinicals started. Make sure all of your vaccines are up to date as well. The school is disorganized so they could very well ask you for a copy of the card sooner.
  4. Hey @BeKind2 So the Covid vaccines are mandatory in order for you to be able to attend the clinical sites. You will have to email the school a copy of your vaccination card when they ask for it. When you get to the clinical site one of the teachers w...
  5. @KayMuckette @Mayon3gg I emailed you guys.
  6. @Raro260 email me your number. [email protected]
  7. We can exchange numbers through email! [email protected]
  8. Yes study group please!! I believe they said school will be virtual next week as well. Thank goodness!! Everyday after school I take a nap because I’m so mentally exhausted. Take your time and read the questions for the HDI assignment. The textbooks...
  9. Wow you have long days! So you do a lot of studying at night.
  10. You think so? I feel like they would be just as vague in person. Yea that critical thinking is going to drive me crazy. I don’t mind the virtual because I don’t have to wake up so early. I don’t live close to the school. When does tutoring start? I ...
  11. @Raro260 I feel the same way. Lost and overwhelmed. It’s more so trying to figure out what to study and HOW to study effectively so I can retain the information. I also feel behind and we haven’t even started our second week. I’m worried about that q...
  12. @Raro260 You’re welcome. I see we have an assignment for fundamentals but it won’t be available for us to do it until Tuesday and it’s timed (90 mins). Why is a homework assignment timed?! ??
  13. @Raro260 I literally just finished it and we haven’t gone over any of this. But I did use the Womble: Introductory of Mental Health Nursing book chapter 3. It helped with questions about Erickson. She told us it was going to be everything on module 1...
  14. @Raro260 yes they are multiple choice.
  15. @Mayon3gg Thank you so much!