VCU ABSN Summer 2014 Hopefuls!

U.S.A. Virginia


Hey everyone!

I'm semi new to this site and was curious if there is anyone else out there in the application process for VCU's accelerated BSN program to start in May 2014. I've started my application, but haven't turned it in, yet. This is the only program I want to go to! I don't know if I can wait until the end of January to get a decision!!!!

I finished my degree in Biology in May 2011 and I've been working in NOVA at a fast paced medical office ever since. Also, I've taken all of my pre-reqs except for A&P I and II (starting A&P I in a few weeks), but just a bit concerned about my grades/GPA from undergrad. I meet all of the requirements thus far, but not sure if it will be enough. Anyone else having similar concerns?

Also, would love to hear from any current VCU ABSN students - what were your stats like when applying, how do you like the program, etc.

Too late, I'm obsessing.

Too late, I'm obsessing.

Ditto. And rechecking the undergrad VCU page to see if my status has changed. I've never been so anxious in my life. Has anyone called to see if they had a date in mind? Haha. I'm too chicken to call them...

If we don't hear anything by tomorrow evening, I'll call!

@lexi No big deal!! I honestly just interpreted what you said as "since I know you are a real person in real life"... I fail, too! :)

:o You're going to call? Oh my... I would think that they would start sending out e-mails on a Monday (so either this upcoming Monday or the next).

On a Monday? I would think on a Friday because they've had the whole week to make decisions. Monday is right after the weekend. That would be pure torture to make us wait an additional two days if a decision's already been made!!!

Let us know what they say if you call! I have to work in he ER all day tomorrow so I won't be out til after business hours when they're closed :(

Hmm... I mean I was just making a guess. I have no idea how they even do the application process or how it works. I mean, I figure just to start sending out decisions they would do a Monday and then from there people would find out whenever because they aren't going to tell everyone at once. :shy:

Gosh guys.... I am SO ready for VCU to make a decision!! I'm freaking out and obsessively checking my email all the time! Quick question though... how do you check the applicant status? Like a couple of you have said, your application said it was up for review and now it's blank so I just want to check mine. I know I've done it before, but I forgot how!

Thanks :)


@Cait - you log back in to your undergraduate VCU application ( - click on "apply for admission" so you can log in to your account). Click on the Summer 2014 link and it will show you if all of the parts of your application including if your essay and references were submitted. On the left side, look for "application status" and next to that mine still says complete & ready for review :( But some others have stated that is no longer there.

Hope this helps! And I hope that mine still being there doesn't mean anything bad :(


I'll definitely know what they say if I call!!

@Allie, I doubt it means anything bad! We are all over thinking the situation and every thing that happens... we just gotta breathe (obviously easier said than done)!

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