Valedictorian caught cheating

Nurses LPN/LVN


so my graduating class just found out who will be representing our class as valedictorian and it's a student that was caught cheating on an exam. she was caught on camera and later admitted to the cheating. I feel someone like this should not represent our school or class as a valedictorian. It sets a bad example that cheating will be tolerated. there are many students that sacrifice so much for nursing and this bothers me that someone like this would be honored. she was caught once cheating but there could be other times she cheated and didnt get caught. I addressed this issue with administration. Please give me your opinion about this. Am I over thinking this?

Specializes in Hospice.

I see here that in another thread, the OP claims to have been an honors student graduating at the top of her class. Interesting to note that she did not share the fact that she was in direct competition with the "cheater" for both the valedictorian spot and the scholarship, and lost.

I think the trusting souls here at AN have been sucked into a little retaliatory sour grapes cyber-bullying.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Closed for staff review.

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