VA HR Record



My spouse is a LPN and terminated from VA hospital( CLC) before his probation was over.

We are so sad and depressed because he did not get any write-ups or warnings.

Does anybody know about employee record after the termination.

Does he have a chance to be rehired ?

He really loved the job and want to work at VA again.He is also a vet.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Why was he terminated? For cause (misconduct, negligence, gross error, out of scope, attendance?)

What are you seeking with the employment record?

Why was he terminated? There's gotta be a reason even though some employers can terminate you for no reason. That really sucks!

Thanks guys!!!

He just voiced his opinions to RNs. Then, they took it as a hostile environment.

He really wants go back again, and I want to help him.

we are just worried if he can not get rehired because if the record.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Creating a hostile work environment with coworker complaints can be perceived as not a team player which significantly diminishes the opportunity for rehire if not already marked do not rehire. A nurse who creates a "hostile work environment" is considered a risk management liability especially if terminated without warnings or write ups.

Of course he can reapply but be prepared if he's now barred from rehire.

He must have been given something by way of warning. It's pretty hard to get fired from a government job, especially as a veteran working for the VA. Documentation of a performance improvement plan / counseling at very least is an absolute must. Even on orientation, that's the standard. If he was terminated without cause and without warning, he probably dodged a bullet.

If he was let go during his orientation period, it can be a matter of just not a good fit. So I would see if it actually says in his record that he created a "hostile work environment". And ask the question "Am I eligible for rehire?" Which is good information to know even if he doesn't want to reapply to the VA.

There are many areas that have veteran's advocates. That do a lot as far as helping to find employment opportunities. Additionally, maybe now is the time to go back to school for an RN. Or to branch off into Paramedic territory.

In my experience, Vets are "on" all the time. They are used to life and death decisions, mostly on the fly, no poop, get the job done. And have little tolerance for others who are laid back and not actively advocating/tasking. Which works well in an Emergency Room situation. Plus, no matter how long a nurse has been a nurse at the VA, it can not replace the connection of a vet with the patient population.

Wishing your husband nothing but the best. And a humble thank you for his service. And hopeful he will find the right fit.

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