UW BSN 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi! I'm applying for the UW BSN for next fall. This is my second time applying to the program and I really want to get in! I thought I would start a discussion so we can all help each other out since the application comes out this month and the essay questions are already out!

A little about myself:

-When I applied for this fall my nursing prerequisite gpa was a 3.0 and I retook one class and I believe now it is a 3.2 which isn't that great but they accept anywhere from a 2.4-4.0 for this fall so I am not too worried about that.

-When I applied for this fall I only had 120 healthcare experience hours and when I apply for next year I'll have well over 1,500.

-I'm also doing a study abroad program in maternal and child health in December before the app is due and this year i managed to get a job at Mary Bridge Children's hospital and recently got hired at Seattle Children's. I also got certified in neonatal resuscitation.

Thanks all! I can't wait to hear back and get some advice!

Does it matter if you get your bsn online?

That's insane though how 618 applied and 280 were invited to the proctured essay...

Best of luck to everyone! :)

i got one math problem wrong and my essay was not strong enough. i think there will be no more chance for me

Silly me, I've been in health care and have taken vital signs for 3 years and somehow I got diastolic and systolic messed up. I wouldn't worry too much about missing a question, it does factor into your "score" but it's still an overall score. If you miss 2 it does decrease your chances significantly.

but i think that my proctored essay was not strong because i did not explain well... does the proctored essay the main thing that decides if i get rejected or not?

Does any one want to share why they picked the scenario they did?

I picked scenario 3 with the old man w/ Alzheimer's because i said that the hardest patients are the ones that don't believe they need help and refuse treatment and care. It's hard to gain trust with these patients so we need to take the time to find out underlying causes for their refusal-which is usually because of fear, confusion, or anxiety from being in a hospital environment.

Oh wow that's a good response...

I chose scenario 1 the one with the 15 yr old who wasn't taking their medication and had diabetes. I chose this scenario because I said it's difficult trying to persuade teenagers to take care of their health and that's one of the biggest challenges because teenagers are very stubborn. Being the youngest in my family, I don't know how to advise those who are younger than me. My sister has always told me how difficult it was nagging me to complete my responsibilities and such. Professionally, I think it would be a challenge to not go beyond my boundaries when talking about personal life. I also mentioned how I would want to convince the patient to take their health into consideration because living even one day longer is a blessing. Super cheesy huh hahahha.

that's what im worried about as well....i got all the math right but my essay was not as strong.....:/ felt like such little time

I chose scenario 2 because I felt that she is the patient with the highest survival with surgery and proper rehabilitation services. When I am taking care of her, it requires me to put my own biases aside. As a Muslim girl, forget about drinking alcohol, I never even seen a bottle of alcohol. I reputed other scenarios by saying the girl in scenario one is already in the LAST stage of organ failure. Society would look at the lady who was drinking and driving in a bad light because she broke law, instead of understanding and having sympathy towards her.

One thing with choosing between scenarios is you have to put your emotions aside and think practically.

I am so frustrated with myself over the math portion of the proctored essay. I missed two problems because I got so nervous that my mind just froze. Anyone else have this problem? I tried doing the problems again after the test and I'm kicking myself because I easily got them right!

I wish I could've performed better because I worked so hard on my application.

You guys are awesome and I wish the best of luck to all you!

Does anyone remember any of the specific instructions during the essay? I remember rereading the instructions towards the end and totally forgot to write my name at the top of both pages of my essay. Were there any other specific directions that were similar? I really hope I didn't miss anything, it would be terrible to be rejected because of something like that.

I remember it saying to write your name at the top of the page. I believe it also asked to clearly state which part of the question you were answering (a, b, c). I do not think it asked you to number the pages, however, I did and I think quite a few people did also. It was confusing because she mentioned it at the beginning but the instructions did not clearly mention that.

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