U.S.A. Washington


Anyone apply to the UW BSN program for fall 2010? Next week we find out if we get to write a proctored essay, so basically if they ask you not to write one does that mean that you can expect a denial letter :crying2: ? Wondering if anyone has went through this process.

Thank you :)

I was just going to post on here and ask if anyone has heard anything yet. I have not either and im also waiting on Seattle U. I am not sure if they do emails or letters? I am thinking we should know by tomorrow if we need to come in or not for essays. Anywho cross your fingers

I had seen on the UW BSN website where they will notify us before 12:00 on 2/12/10. Although I have to say I think it's kind of shady that we get so little notice as to whether we're expected to write the essay or not. (At least it's good that they told us to reserve that time when we filled out the app just in case.) I'm really hoping for SU, but still no info on whether I've been selected for an interview or not-- I'm starting to abandon hope on that one since other people in a different thread have started getting SU interviews set up.

I haven't heard yet either!! The suspense is killing me...:confused: I am really hoping they send them out by tomorrow!! I have a Statistics test tomorrow and I can barely concentrate on studying for it!!!!!!!

Omg seriously people started getting interviews for Seattle U already? I wonder if its the same for the BSN applicants.

I don't think you have to do an interview for the Seattle U BSN- this is just for the APNI program. Ick. I'm ready for applications to be finished! :)


This is my first time posting but I've been following this thread, and I too, am a little scared during this waiting period. Has anyone heard anything (from UW) today? I know it's only 10:20 in the morning but I would've thought they would have gotten notification out by now.

Thanks for all you being here, by the way. It's really nice to know that there are others like me who are just as freaked out as I am, and to know there is a support network out there! Hope we all get the good news we all want to see in our inboxes! I'll post as soon as I hear anything! :-)

Nothing yet :confused: which is kind of freaking me out....because if they do want us to write the essay that means its coming right up. anyways waiting waiting ..

you guys i just got my letter they want me to write an essay :) check your emails you might have gotten something. Wish you all luck


REALLY?! Still haven't gotten anything yet... Did they JUST send it? *sigh* even MORE worried now...

I checked my email at about 1145 I think, keep checking your email they might just be going down the list of people maybe by last name or something im not sure. Ill cross my fingers for you hope you get one soon and don't worry.

That's a good point, bina11. I'll just keep my fingers crossed too and keep on waiting! Anyways, thank you for your encouragement and congrats on getting called back to do the essay! That's great! :-)

Has anyone else heard anything yet?

Oh man!! I still haven't gotten one, I'm betting that means I'm rejected!!! Can't believe it, thought for sure I would get to do the essay. Still hoping though..............

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