UTMB Summer 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi future nurses! I didn't see a discussion board for the summer term of 2017, so I decided to make one myself(: Let's use this forum to discuss grades, TEAS, and the application process. This does include venting! We all know how anxiety kicks in when there's a bump in the road. Good luck to everyone that is applying!

I can't wait for the application period opens. Anyone that is re-applying, any tips?

Still no word on my end. However, my best friend received a rejection letter via email today. My heart breaks for her because we both want this so much! Not going to lie I am now even more anxious and worried. Hoping we all hear good news soon. Just wanted to let you all know they are still sending rejections and interview requests.[/

If you don't mind me asking, what were her stats?


I just saw this! She submitted her application on October 31 (deadline) and her TEAS score was an 84 overall with an 82 in science. Her GPA was around a 2.9 which is lower but they did tell her Summer would be the best semester to apply for since they have less applicants.

Has anyone heard anything yet? This wait is killing me.

Hi all! Just had my interview Tuesday 12/6. I had to submit my application very close to deadline because I only recently learned about nursingcas and their unique transcript process. So everything went through thankfully! And I received an email last Wednesday offering me the times for (what I'm guessing) was the second wave of interviews from 11/30-12/14

My GPA overall is a 3.7

Teas V score was a 83.3

I'm pretty sure I'm done with all my pre-reqs so I am currently just waiting like everyone else. My interview lasted around 20 minutes (which sounds alarming considering I saw how long some other people's interviews were), but at the end, my interviewer said

"I'm excited to see you in my class :)"

so I'm still nervous because you can never be too sure with these type of things. My biggest fear is that I'm wait listed!!! I'd still like to know for sure. Good luck to all!

Hi all! Just had my interview Tuesday 12/6. I had to submit my application very close to deadline because I only recently learned about nursingcas and their unique transcript process. So everything went through thankfully! And I received an email last Wednesday offering me the times for (what I'm guessing) was the second wave of interviews from 11/30-12/14

My GPA overall is a 3.7

Teas V score was a 83.3

I'm pretty sure I'm done with all my pre-reqs so I am currently just waiting like everyone else. My interview lasted around 20 minutes (which sounds alarming considering I saw how long some other people's interviews were), but at the end, my interviewer said

"I'm excited to see you in my class :)"

so I'm still nervous because you can never be too sure with these type of things. My biggest fear is that I'm wait listed!!! I'd still like to know for sure. Good luck to all!

Who interviewed u? Was she an older lady who had trouble waking?

Did anyone else get that reassurance? I was in the first wave of interviews and I though I would've heard something by now.

Hi all! Just had my interview Tuesday 12/6. I had to submit my application very close to deadline because I only recently learned about nursingcas and their unique transcript process. So everything went through thankfully! And I received an email last Wednesday offering me the times for (what I'm guessing) was the second wave of interviews from 11/30-12/14

My GPA overall is a 3.7

Teas V score was a 83.3

I'm pretty sure I'm done with all my pre-reqs so I am currently just waiting like everyone else. My interview lasted around 20 minutes (which sounds alarming considering I saw how long some other people's interviews were), but at the end, my interviewer said

"I'm excited to see you in my class :)"

so I'm still nervous because you can never be too sure with these type of things. My biggest fear is that I'm wait listed!!! I'd still like to know for sure. Good luck to all!

Your stats look very good to me! My interviewer said "I'm looking forward to seeing you!" But I feel like they say that to everyone to make us feel better. Good luck to you as well!

Your stats look very good to me! My interviewer said "I'm looking forward to seeing you!" But I feel like they say that to everyone to make us feel better. Good luck to you as well!

My interviewer said something quite similar as well! She even winked at me, maybe hinting that I might get in. I had mine this past week and it lasted about an hour. We had to end the conversation because she had another interview coming up.

No this lady was probably middle aged? Not too sure

Yeah I feel like that's always a good sign. It was like us having a conversation and not so much her asking me a list of questions.

Yeah I feel like that's always a good sign. It was like us having a conversation and not so much her asking me a list of questions.

Yep! That's how mine was! My interviewer gave me her business card if I had anymore questions.

Hello everyone! I've been watching over this tread for a while now, I had an interview 11/17 and I was just wondering when the person who interviewed y'all said you would hear back? My lady told me by the end of January but that's so long and reading old treads people herd back so much sooner sometimes within two weeks! The wait is torture!

Hello everyone! I've been watching over this tread for a while now, I had an interview 11/17 and I was just wondering when the person who interviewed y'all said you would hear back? My lady told me by the end of January but that's so long and reading old treads people herd back so much sooner sometimes within two weeks! The wait is torture!

Mine was 12/06 and they told me 3 to 4 weeks. Looking at last years thread, most people knew right before Christmas. So I'd give it around two more weeks

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