UTMB Summer 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi future nurses! I didn't see a discussion board for the summer term of 2017, so I decided to make one myself(: Let's use this forum to discuss grades, TEAS, and the application process. This does include venting! We all know how anxiety kicks in when there's a bump in the road. Good luck to everyone that is applying!

I can't wait for the application period opens. Anyone that is re-applying, any tips?

Did anyone else receive a white coat order form email but not an official acceptance or waitlist email?

You get an acceptance or rejection yet? I'm till waiting

You get an acceptance or rejection yet? I'm till waiting

I'm still waiting as well. Turns out the email was sent in error :/

im just wondering why they cant just say yes or no. It shouldnt take this long. Did she give you any other information when she said the email was an error?

So I just called Mrs. Botello, and she said they just had a meeting and we will know for sure by the end of tomorrow!

Anyone hear anything else?

I was wait listed Monday afternoon.

I received a waitlist email last Friday; however, Ms. Botello called me today to inform me that I have been accepted into both summer and fall terms and have the opportunity to choose the one I prefer to be apart of. (Side note: I have only been accepted into both terms because I originally applied for fall but was given the chance to be considered for summer because of my "academic standing")

Does anyone know how many applicants they had for the summer? And how many students they will accept for the summer term? I'm very curious.

Just called, said they weren't pulling anyone off the waitlist for Summer 2017. Back to applying again...

I have been waitlisted for the summer 2018 nursing program. Does anyone know if the admissions committee will accept a "waitlist letter" or a letter of continued interest in the program where I write about my improvements I've made since submitting my application, any awards I've received, etc

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