UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

U.S.A. Texas


Hey Y'all,

I read through the whole UTMB Fall 2014 thread and thought I'd start the next semesters thread (because I couldn't find one). I know the application doesn't close until May 31st, but thought it would be helpful to start this now.

Thank you and @dweeks thank you too. If I find a dress fit for it I'm going to go for it but I also have slacks. I'm going through them right now as we speak.

I'll be back soon!

That's the exact outfit I wore if it helps

Slacks, a white shirt and dress pumps. Take some flats if it's been a while -- I parked nearly on the top floor of the parking garage and the garage elevator hasn't been fixed yet. Lol

I have my dad's feet so I'll probably go through some short ones my mom has lol


That's the exact outfit I wore if it helps

Wow. I like it and I like how it has a pattern to add touch to it! I would wear that. If you hadn't uploaded a picture I wouldn't have ended up adding a touch of color I wanted or a neutral. Thank you! I feel better adding color to it now

Wow. I like it and I like how it has a pattern to add touch to it! I would wear that. If you hadn't uploaded a picture I wouldn't have ended up adding a touch of color I wanted or a neutral. Thank you! I feel better adding color to it now

Thank you!

Oh yeah definitely. I can't do boring lol. I'd be so uncomfortable. Be yourself. If you like color (or bold prints) go for it. As long as you keep it professional you'll be fine!

Oh and it went down to just below my knees.

Did any of you (female) wear a casual dress? or Professional pants and blouse?

I plan on wearing a pencil skirt and a nice blouse with some heels.

I plan on wearing a pencil skirt and a nice blouse with some heels.

Is your interview this tues? Good luck!

Is your interview this tues? Good luck!

Thanks. Good luck to you too! My interview is this Tuesday. I am out right now buying an outfit for it. :) When is your interview?

Thanks. Good luck to you too! My interview is this Tuesday. I am out right now buying an outfit for it. :) When is your interview?

I look forward to that! It's next next Tuesday the 19th :) I picked morning since I'm used to waking up early to work

Have you heard anything back yet? I haven't :/

No I haven't! This Monday will be 4 weeks since my interview and still nothing /:

Did any of you (female) wear a casual dress? or Professional pants and blouse?

I'll weigh in on my interview outfit. I wore black dress pants, a lavender colored blouse with black polka dots, and a white cardigan. My outfit wasn't casual, but I didn't feel drowned in a suit, either. I think that as long as you look nice, you'll be fine. Certainly don't be afraid to add a touch of color. I definitely wore flats, though.

I'll weigh in on my interview outfit. I wore black dress pants, a lavender colored blouse with black polka dots, and a white cardigan. My outfit wasn't casual, but I didn't feel drowned in a suit, either. I think that as long as you look nice, you'll be fine. Certainly don't be afraid to add a touch of color. I definitely wore flats, though.

That sounds really cute. I was nervous no one was going to add prints or color! From what I see everyone has kept it professional and still made it their own taste. Flats ARE comfortable. My first thought w a s a full suit but everyone refreshed my mind. Thank you for helping :)

Specializes in CNA.

My turn! Lol I can't post a pic of my outfit for some reason, but what I wore was a black blazer over a white flare dressy top that had shiny crystal and gems on it. A bit blinged out lol :)I wore it with a skirt and low heels.

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