UTMB Fall 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey! I wanted to make this post because I didn't see a thread for those who are applying to UTMB Galveston Fall 2018. I know application hasn't open yet, but I just took my teas score. I have no idea if it is good enough for UTMB standards. I currently have 40 hours, but by the end of this semester I will have around 53 credit hours. I have no idea how I should even start my personal statement. Would you guys be willing to share your stats? Any questions or comments please feel free to post! :)

My stats are


82% Overall

-Reading: 85.1%

-Math: 87.5%

-Science: 78.7%

-English and Language Use: 75.0%

GPA: 3.9 Overall

I received this email too. I am excited because I wasn't denied, but I know this does not mean I am accepted either.

Yes I was so excited to see interview and then I read waitlist and my jaw dropped! I've never heard of this! But yeah I guess it's a good thing we weren't denied. Did u set up an interview yet? I looked at my email too late to call but I'll call tomorrow.

The very first time I got waitlisted (Fall 2017) I had also received an email saying I had been invited for an interview. I'm guessing they've changed the emails since then because the email they sent me back then was the same email I received my other two times. That first email told me I got an interview FOR ADMISSION. I show up to the interview and I'm told it's to be waitlisted. Of course I'm discouraged and plan to go home and apply for the next semester immediately. The lady I'm talking to then tells me that if I want to be considered for the next application cycle I need to apply for the summer not spring. Of course I ask why and she says "oh because the application closed" I was like "ummmm...when?" and guess when it was? The f*cking day before. I was pissed because this is nothing to them but to me that's an entire semester. So not even a week later I get on the waitlist. With super high hopes, the whole summer goes by and I don't get in. I take some courses at my local community college in the spring and I get an interview in the second round for the summer. I'm so excited and I'm like "of course I'll get in this time. Because I was waitlisted before I must have priority now" (cause that's how a normal waitlist works). So I go to my interview and it goes so well (not exaggerating we really connected). So being the proactive person I am I go ahead and apply for the fall JUST TO BE SAFE (mind you I would have done this the first time but I was mislead in that initial email). After like 3 weeks I see people who interviewed after me are getting accepted and I just tell myself to play it cool because UTMB doesn't have a certain system, my acceptance is coming...so 2 months later I knew it wasn't coming (I kept telling myself it was but I had to be realistic as well). I get A WAITLIST EMAIL again. I'm devastated. Shortly after that I get an interview in the first or second round for the fall (can't remember). I'm like "oh this time it's forsure going to happen" (this whole time UTMB is the only school I had applied to but this time I applied to a couple places for the fall). I wait a couple months and guess what I got today? The same waitlist email :-) it's actually a joke because I emailed Ms. Botello asking why I was told 3-5 weeks 8 WEEKS ago and hadn't heard anything. I asked her that this morning and by the afternoon she sends my waitlist email. Seems to me they've had this decision made up, like why not have the decency to tell me asap? OH and get this. So about a month ago I email Ms. Botello basically telling her this whole situation and what I should do to make myself a better candidate. We talked in detail over the phone after she got the email (she called me not even 5 minutes later). She actually told me I had really high chances of getting off the summer waitlist and told me all my stats were competitive (just doesn't make sense...) and I should go ahead and apply again for spring if the deadline is getting close. So of course I do to be safe. Then the incident this morning happened and now I'm waitlisted again. At this point I'm just pissed. Not to be a downer but those of you who got waitlist interview emails, don't get your hopes up. Being waitlisted is honestly worse than being straight up denied because it gives you so much false hope. I'm saying this out of literal experience. Honestly I've seen like MAYBE two people per semester say they got taken off the waitlist (that doesn't mean there aren't people off this chatroom). I've wasted so much time just holding onto hope from this school who made me feel extremely wanted just to say just kidding. It's actually hurtful that they would treat someone this way and I hope this doesn't happen to anyone else. This fall I'm continuing my studies elsewhere continuing my degree I was working on and who knows. If I get accepted for the spring I'll consider going. Nursing is my ultimate goal and I will end up going no matter what. I just don't know if UTMB is the place for me after all of this. But it is still a superb education and that's why I will keep my options open. Please let me know if anyone has any questions about my experience/application questions/etc.

As far as my stats, I don't even really know them...I finished them a year ago now.

GPA: 3.3-3.5? (there's so many GPA's calculated I can't keep up)

TEAS: 80% overall

I don't have stellar stats but obviously you can see they do read personal statements and UTMB has interest in me. They've called me to interview THREE times and I do anticipate another interview invite for the spring. We'll see how it all plays out. Again not to bash UTMB or put anyone's hopes down because I'm still going to chase my dreams, but this is just what I've experienced through their unorganized admission system and just want you to realistically know.

Hi everyone, I have been following this forum for some time now, and this will be my first time commenting. I am also a UTMB Fall 2018 applicant and also a Spring 2019 applicant since I have not heard back from UTMB for the Fall cycle.

I do not know much about their admissions process, but see that there are quite a few on here who have either been accepted, denied, offered an interview, waitlisted, or offered an interview to be on the waitlist. I am concerned since I have not heard anything back thus far, but I am remaining confident. Very difficult, especially in this situation. So, my next question is, does anyone have any idea on where I might fair? I submitted my application and supplemental in January, right before the deadline.

The very first time I got waitlisted (Fall 2017) I had also received an email saying I had been invited for an interview. I'm guessing they've changed the emails since then because the email they sent me back then was the same email I received my other two times. That first email told me I got an interview FOR ADMISSION. I show up to the interview and I'm told it's to be waitlisted. Of course I'm discouraged and plan to go home and apply for the next semester immediately. The lady I'm talking to then tells me that if I want to be considered for the next application cycle I need to apply for the summer not spring. Of course I ask why and she says "oh because the application closed" I was like "ummmm...when?" and guess when it was? The f*cking day before. I was pissed because this is nothing to them but to me that's an entire semester. So not even a week later I get on the waitlist. With super high hopes, the whole summer goes by and I don't get in. I take some courses at my local community college in the spring and I get an interview in the second round for the summer. I'm so excited and I'm like "of course I'll get in this time. Because I was waitlisted before I must have priority now" (cause that's how a normal waitlist works). So I go to my interview and it goes so well (not exaggerating we really connected). So being the proactive person I am I go ahead and apply for the fall JUST TO BE SAFE (mind you I would have done this the first time but I was mislead in that initial email). After like 3 weeks I see people who interviewed after me are getting accepted and I just tell myself to play it cool because UTMB doesn't have a certain system, my acceptance is coming...so 2 months later I knew it wasn't coming (I kept telling myself it was but I had to be realistic as well). I get A WAITLIST EMAIL again. I'm devastated. Shortly after that I get an interview in the first or second round for the fall (can't remember). I'm like "oh this time it's forsure going to happen" (this whole time UTMB is the only school I had applied to but this time I applied to a couple places for the fall). I wait a couple months and guess what I got today? The same waitlist email :-) it's actually a joke because I emailed Ms. Botello asking why I was told 3-5 weeks 8 WEEKS ago and hadn't heard anything. I asked her that this morning and by the afternoon she sends my waitlist email. Seems to me they've had this decision made up, like why not have the decency to tell me asap? OH and get this. So about a month ago I email Ms. Botello basically telling her this whole situation and what I should do to make myself a better candidate. We talked in detail over the phone after she got the email (she called me not even 5 minutes later). She actually told me I had really high chances of getting off the summer waitlist and told me all my stats were competitive (just doesn't make sense...) and I should go ahead and apply again for spring if the deadline is getting close. So of course I do to be safe. Then the incident this morning happened and now I'm waitlisted again. At this point I'm just pissed. Not to be a downer but those of you who got waitlist interview emails, don't get your hopes up. Being waitlisted is honestly worse than being straight up denied because it gives you so much false hope. I'm saying this out of literal experience. Honestly I've seen like MAYBE two people per semester say they got taken off the waitlist (that doesn't mean there aren't people off this chatroom). I've wasted so much time just holding onto hope from this school who made me feel extremely wanted just to say just kidding. It's actually hurtful that they would treat someone this way and I hope this doesn't happen to anyone else. This fall I'm continuing my studies elsewhere continuing my degree I was working on and who knows. If I get accepted for the spring I'll consider going. Nursing is my ultimate goal and I will end up going no matter what. I just don't know if UTMB is the place for me after all of this. But it is still a superb education and that's why I will keep my options open. Please let me know if anyone has any questions about my experience/application questions/etc.

As far as my stats, I don't even really know them...I finished them a year ago now.

GPA: 3.3-3.5? (there's so many GPA's calculated I can't keep up)

TEAS: 80% overall

I don't have stellar stats but obviously you can see they do read personal statements and UTMB has interest in me. They've called me to interview THREE times and I do anticipate another interview invite for the spring. We'll see how it all plays out. Again not to bash UTMB or put anyone's hopes down because I'm still going to chase my dreams, but this is just what I've experienced through their unorganized admission system and just want you to realistically know.

Wow! I would be a frustrated as you are! I'm sorry this is happening to you! It's hard to give you any advice! But I'd say apply to other schools as well if they keep doing this to you!

I was waitlisted as well today. Disappointed. but not surprised.

I was waitlisted as well today. Disappointed. but not surprised.

I'd rather be waitlisted.. I have to interview to make it to the waitlist ... :\

Yes I was so excited to see interview and then I read waitlist and my jaw dropped! I've never heard of this! But yeah I guess it's a good thing we weren't denied. Did u set up an interview yet? I looked at my email too late to call but I'll call tomorrow.

Yep, I was at work and started jumping up and down! I am still very hopeful, even if I do not make it in for this Fall, I would be so happy to get in during the Spring or Summer. I got the email pretty late, so I will schedule tomorrow too, for Friday, or sometime next week. Best of luck to you!!

Yep, I was at work and started jumping up and down! I am still very hopeful, even if I do not make it in for this Fall, I would be so happy to get in during the Spring or Summer. I got the email pretty late, so I will schedule tomorrow too, for Friday, or sometime next week. Best of luck to you!!

Yes as long as I get accepted my 2019 lol. But thanks good luck to you as well!

Congrats on the acceptances. Can anyone tell me what the deadline is to respond by for accepting the program that is listed in the acceptance email? Just wondering if that may give any indication of when more notifications may go out to those on the waitlist.


My email said I needed to accept admission by May 16. Hope that helps!

My email said I needed to accept admission by May 16. Hope that helps!

Are you going to accept?!?

Are you going to accept?!?

Yes. I already did.

Good afternoon. I am still playing the waiting game. As exciting as it is, I am extremely nervous well to the point where I might call in to check the status of my application. Has anyone heard anything back who has not heard a single thing back? Updates? TIA.

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