UT Southwestern Fall 2013 Internship

U.S.A. Texas


I am curious if anyone on here has been accepted to the October internship? I have and am trying to find out as much as I can! I cannot wait to start and meet everyone in my internship class :)

My school had us do a mandatory Kaplan review. Last time I checked, the 16th was still open as a test date (if you are planning on taking it in the DFW area). Where are you coming from and graduate from?

I hope we can get the scrubs from somewhere other than UT Southwestern directly because I got gift cards to scrub shops for graduation. Cannot wait to do some of the fun stuff and not just boring NCLEX stuff!

Oh cool! I have heard a lot of good things about Kaplan. I bought their book and have been reading it off and on with my Hurst book. I hope it is! I don't want to rush but I don't want to drag it out! I graduated from Texas State University in Round Rock (the nursing school was in Round Rock, but the main campus was in San Marcos), and I moved up here because I wanted something different :) what about you?!

I totally agree with you! I can't wait to have the NCLEX behind me, so I can just relax and get some new official nursing gear! Hopefully we can get the scrubs from anywhere (I have some gift cards too), and then maybe they can give us the information for someone who will embroider them!

I did not do Hurst because I honestly did not want to take the time to do it. I hope that does not come back to bite me! Many people in my program did the Hurst and found it very helpful...

I graduated from the Accelerated BSN program at TCU.

Maybe I misunderstood about the embroidery? When the manager interviewing me talked about uniforms, he pointed to what he and others were wearing and said they were new...and they were embroidered. It seems like it would be a pain to have to get that done though!

Yeah...I'm starting to feel like I have too much to read and not enough time! I've just been focusing on Hurst and then some practice questions here and there. That's awesome that you did the accelerated program! How long was it? Ours is a 4 year (BSN) program and I don't think I could've done it any faster haha! My manager's scrubs weren't embroidered, they were "stamped" I guess? They had the UTSW logo, but it wasnt embroidered. Maybe we will have the option of either getting it embroiled or just getting it labeled. What is your name by the way? Mine is Karleigh Anton. I'm glad I have virtually met someone who is in a similar boat as I am! It's always good to make new friends that you can talk about this stuff with!

I just realized I did not answer one of your earlier questions - Before my interview I was given a folder with information about benefits, holidays, and preparation for the med test.

Maybe only the manager need the logo? I am just ready to get some scrubs and nursing stuff! I have been on Etsy looking at all of the cute things they have for nurses and am trying to avoid buying them, but I may not be able to resist much longer. I told myself once I am actually an RN I can buy some things - so hopefully I pass in a few weeks! :)

My program was 15 months long because I have a previous Bachelor degree. It was intense, but I liked the pace!

My name is Ashley Harris. There are two other people who were in my program at TCU who will at UT Southwestern as well - ER and another ICU. It is so nice to have people to talk to and find out more info! Did you recieve the most recent email about needing to update info to move along the onboarding process? I get so excited the closer it gets! October cannot come fast enough!

@Kza321, are you on the cardiac step-down unit (I think the floor is 5 North/South right next to the CVICU)?

@cass1320, no it's not the cardiac step down unit, but it is on the 5th floor! I think they're on different sides of the hospital. I was getting so lost in that place, I'm not exactly sure what it was by. I know it's a transplant unit for a fact, but I think they consider it a step down unit too.

I know exactly how you feel! I have been pinning and looking at so much RN stuff, but I keep telling myself the same thing. You will do great I'm sure, and then you can celebrate by buying yourself some new nursing gear! That's cool that you have some friends in the program too! I just moved here, so I am definitely looking forward to making new friends when we start working :) Yes, I got that email and I got so excited when I saw it. I get impatient when it comes to exciting things haha! I actually wasnt able to update my application for some reason? It was "locked" I guess, since I submitted it.

Were you able to update yours? I emailed Denise back explaining that it wouldn't let me and she just said "thank you." So I hope that's okay!

I am very impatient as well! Cannot wait to meet everyone and get started!

My application was locked as well. I sent her an email and she sent me the same kind of message back. It must be something with the system and not us!

@kevsgirl1 good luck this week on the NCLEX!

Just curious, have you signed a contract yet? If so, when did you do it? If not, do you know when you'll be signing one? I haven't signed one yet. I am going tomorrow to pick up the packet that they accidentally forgot to give me. I was just wondering if I should inquire about the contract!

I have not signed one yet. I was assuming that once we take the med test, drug test and whatever else we are supposed to be doing soon that we will sign one. No idea. Let me know if you find anything out. Also, have you been contacted yet like the email said about setting up a time to do all of those things?

Yeah that's what I was thinking too...I am going today to pick up my "packet" that they forgot to give me. I was going to try to ask some questions regarding the contract, and the drug test/med test. So I will let you know if I find anything out! I am taking my NCLEX on the 23rd, so I don't really want to do the other stuff until afterwards! I have tunnel vision right now, and all I am focused on is the NCLEX!

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