UT Health Pacesetter BSN Fall 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


I haven't seen a topic for the UT Health Fall 2018 program, so here it is!

I am applying for the fall with following stats:

Prereq GPA 3.65

Science GPA 4.00

HESI (just took it last Friday):

Reading 90

Vocab 92

Grammar 84

Math 96

AP 100

I am making a career shift with a BS in Chemistry that I got from UH Downtown.

Good luck everyone!

I'm pretty sure it's because of the history class because the only other possible grades are 2 Bs on College Algebra and Biology. Also the college I go to only takes the highest grade for any class to calculate the GPA, and there it shows my GPA is a 3.83. Did you receive an eval? On mine there's 3 different GPAs: overall, nursing, and science. For the nursing GPA they only took the highest grades, but for the overall GPA I think they took all the grades from all the classes, including the one I retook.

Do you know if they calculated all attempts for repeated nursing pre-req scores into your OVERALL GPA? I did repeat 2 pre-reqs but was told they take the highest grade for any repeated nursing pre req to calculate your NURSING PRE REQ GPA but they never mentioned anything about overall gpa. They also told me if you repeated classes that were not considered nursing pre/science then they take all attempts to calculate your overall? I never received an evaluation when I applied for SUMMER 2018. I was waitlisted and thinking of applying for SPRING 2019.

Do you know if they calculated all attempts for repeated nursing pre-req scores into your OVERALL GPA? I did repeat 2 pre-reqs but was told they take the highest grade for any repeated nursing pre req to calculate your NURSING PRE REQ GPA but they never mentioned anything about overall gpa. They also told me if you repeated classes that were not considered nursing pre/science then they take all attempts to calculate your overall? I never received an evaluation when I applied for SUMMER 2018. I was waitlisted and thinking of applying for SPRING 2019.

Yes. They calculated all attempts for any class I've ever taken into my overall GPA. For the nursing GPA they only take the highest grade. It's so confusing!!

Has anyone not gotten a final decision as in Accepted/Denied or waitlisted. Don't want to ask my friends if they have or haven't heard back if there are still open apps.

Portal changed to application denied

Has anyone not gotten a final decision as in Accepted/Denied or waitlisted. Don't want to ask my friends if they have or haven't heard back if there are still open apps.

I am still on the waitlist, no change on the portal yet

I'm still on the waitlist too!

I got an email today letting me know I was taken off the waitlist! 3rd time is the charm!

I got an email today letting me know I was taken off the waitlist! 3rd time is the charm!

Do you mind sharing your stats?

Got a denial letter in the mail

Does anyone know if coming in with undergraduate and graduate degrees will help me in the selection process? I plan on applying for Jan 2019. I just started on my science pre-reqs and I am not expecting to make higher than a B in those. I take the HESI this week, but I have no clue how I will score on that either...but my cumulative GPAs for both my undergraduate and graduate degrees are 4.0s...anyone know anything about the selection process? Is it truly only based on pre-req GPA, science GPA, & cumulative GPA? Was hoping my previous degrees would give me a leg up, but sounds like maybe not?

I don't really think that they will look at your other classes other than the pre-req course grades and science GPA. Other people said that when they got their transcript evaluation it only said the classes needed for their school.

Does anyone know if coming in with undergraduate and graduate degrees will help me in the selection process? I plan on applying for Jan 2019. I just started on my science pre-reqs and I am not expecting to make higher than a B in those. I take the HESI this week, but I have no clue how I will score on that either...but my cumulative GPAs for both my undergraduate and graduate degrees are 4.0s...anyone know anything about the selection process? Is it truly only based on pre-req GPA, science GPA, & cumulative GPA? Was hoping my previous degrees would give me a leg up, but sounds like maybe not?

I have a previous undergrad degree in chemistry and that didn't help my case.

Wow, well that's kind of discouraging. I guess it's just a GPA numbers game then? Hmm...

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