UT Arlington Spring 2014 Traditional

Nursing Students Texas (UTA)


I am applying to the traditional program, at UTA, for Spring 2014. I am so worried and wondering what the applicant pool is looking like, for this semester. Can anyone who sees this post their GPA and considerations, so I can see, if I have a good chance of getting in? I thought this might put others' minds at ease, as well.

Here's mine:

Prerequisite GPA: 3.76

Science GPA: 4.0

No considerations.

Post yours! :)

I know someone that had a meeting in Austin and she is placed on some probationary guidelines. She will have more reviews and etc than a nurse with no background.

Can I ask what her charge was?

Has anyone heard of someone being called off of the wait-list yet?

Does anyone know how the weekly schedule for on campus students have been in the past?

...lecture days...clinical days...etc?

Does anyone know how the weekly schedule for on campus students have been in the past?

...lecture days...clinical days...etc?

I am finishing up J1. If things are the same for you guys as for us, you will have assessment and its lab, j believe the same day, foundations class and promotions the same day (promotions is only 1/2 semester) and then foundation clinical one day. The first seven weeks are spent at the school for foundations clinical and is generally 8-5 instead of 6:30-3:30 for at the hospital. Hope that helps.

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