USM acceptance Spring 2015

U.S.A. Mississippi


Hi I am applying to the school of nursing at the University of Southern Mississippi and I was wondering if anyone had applied to this program or previously applied and were accepted. If so what was your ACT score, prerequisites GPA, and Kaplan score if taken. I am extremely nervous and any responses would help. Thanks:)

Thank you! Also do you know if they only use your prerequisite gpa, or your total gpa of all classes you have taken?

Your total GPA for the ONLY required classes taken.

Hi! My prerequisites are also from USM, and I do not have any previous experience with nursing outside of school. Are you applying to USM soon?

Hi Dorothy!

What school did you attend prior? And did you any sort of experience?

Hi! My prerequisites are also from USM, and I do not have any previous experience with nursing outside of school. Are you applying to USM soon?

Did everyone make it? I just submitted my application for the gulf park campus.

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