USF 2014 applicants?

U.S.A. Florida


Just wondering if there are any USF applicants out there? I had a couple questions :)

I was denied guys, good luck to all of you who applied.

yeah i got denied too!

:( Sorry to hear that, did you apply to any other schools? I still have my UNF interview on Friday, which was my first choice.. now it's all or nothing.

I just got the news, I was accepted to the 2nd degree sequence. I am excited, however I am sorry to hear that some of you guys were denied. Good luck in your future endeavors and other opportunities. Did anyone else here get accepted?

I did. Can't wait to meet you!

I got denied too :( goodluck to everyone else on their nursing careers and congrats to those who got in!

I'm still waiting for UF

I did. Can't wait to meet you!

What is your name? I will look for you at the nursing orientation in July! My name is Sean.

Guess I should stop lurking and join the group. My name is Louis, and I got accepted to the 2nd degree sequence! Hi everyone.

Yay! So glad to see other 2nd degree people coming out. I'm Natalie. Can't wait to meet you and all the other lurkers at the orientation next month.

I have been looking at this posting for a few months now. I was denied for the 2nd degree seeking program also. My GPA is low, 3.34. I have experience CNA and 600 hours of hospital volunteer experience. I still feel confident in my ability to become a nurse one day. However, I wish I could redo my college career and work harder on school and less on a job. I am interested in other programs, but I have always dreamed about going to USF. I would love some tips from people about how I could improve my GPA. I already have a bachelor's degree. I have considered applying to ASN programs. I am currently looking into 11 programs from Gainesville, Orlando, Tampa and in-between. All are accredited, not just approved.

What is everyone's GPA's? Overall and Pre-Reqs?

Roar!!!! No more seats available for the university's orientation on Wed the 25 . . . .

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