USF ABSN Summer 2023

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey guys! I didn't see a forum for the ABSN program at USF for Summer 2023 so I wanted to create this page for us to share any info that may be helpful! 

I recently got my interview invitation, and actually my interview is tomorrow kinda nervous but has anyone interviewed yet? 

kay23 said:

Hey guys! My interview is in two days n I'm literally freaking out! 

Does anyone have any tips, especially on the clinical scenario ones? Those are the ones that I'm most nervous abt!

Usually with the scenario questions for nursing interviews they like to ask ethical ones so maybe you can practice similar questions, but don't be too nervous! Like everyone else said, it went by really fast and just answer the best you can.

Chrissy8 said:

Hey guys, how long after "verified" status did you get an interview invite? I just got verified yesterday and I'm already terrified just thinking about the interview. 

I got verified pretty quickly on NursingCAS probably because it was already verified before I applied to USF when I was applying to other schools, but it shouldn't take them more than 2 weeks to verify it. 

Interviews are never fun haha, but what really helped me prepare for it was practice answering possible questions they might ask and doing a mock interview with someone. I asked my friend to do a mock interview with me and that definitely calmed my nerves for the actual interview. Good luck! 

Specializes in Grad w Bachelors in Health Sciences,.

Thanks for answering!! Im definitely gonna prepare for ethical questions now! 

I've been stuck on "Tell me about a time…” questions n im like oof I don't remember having any times like that.

Chrissy8 said:

Hey guys, how long after "verified" status did you get an interview invite? I just got verified yesterday and I'm already terrified just thinking about the interview. 

Super big congrats on getting verified! Now it's just the interview!! Don't be worried, go in with confidence! 

We'll all do great and we'll all be in the same cohort :))

I was verified in Nursing CAS last Tuesday and am waiting to hear about an interview. How long did it take to receive an email after being verified?

SayNurse said:

I was verified in Nursing CAS last Tuesday and am waiting to hear about an interview. How long did it take to receive an email after being verified?

Hi! For me, I submitted the application the first week of the new year. Getting the "Verified" email took exactly 6 days (so almost a week). And then from there, getting the interview invite took 9 days (so a little over a week)! ?

Specializes in Grad w Bachelors in Health Sciences,.

Has anyone been having problems with their USF application portal? 

I'm a returning USF student and MyBullsPath has been having so many issues. 

kay23 said:

Has anyone been having problems with their USF application portal? 

I'm a returning USF student and MyBullsPath has been having so many issues. 

I haven't come across any issues accessing my application portal/myBullsPath but maybe you can reach out to the admissions office and see if they can help you. They are usually pretty responsive 

kay23 said:

Hey guys! My interview is in two days n I'm literally freaking out! 

Does anyone have any tips, especially on the clinical scenario ones? Those are the ones that I'm most nervous abt!

How did your interview go? I have mine in 3 days and I'm just practicing questions non stop. Wish me luck guys!

Specializes in Grad w Bachelors in Health Sciences,.


it went okay. they leave a recording for you to watch at the end and I did the mistake of watching it LOL !! I feel like I did bad but the interviewer said I did great so ?‍♀️. only time will tell ?

good luck on your interview!! practice "Tell me about a time" questions 

Hello! I'm applying for the St. Petersburg campus ABSN that starts in Fall 2023! I'm feeling super nervous about my chances for admission... My overall undergrad GPA was a 3.43, however I have several years of experience, both medical and non-medical. I'm 26 years old. Can anyone give me advice?

KSomers said:

Hello! I'm applying for the St. Petersburg campus ABSN that starts in Fall 2023! I'm feeling super nervous about my chances for admission... My overall undergrad GPA was a 3.43, however I have several years of experience, both medical and non-medical. I'm 26 years old. Can anyone give me advice?

Hey! I don't think your undergrad GPA is terrible because people have probably gotten accepted into their program with a similar GPA, but I know USF is pretty competitive like many other nursing programs. Unfortunately, USF doesn't take extracurriculars into consideration like healthcare experience because applicants are only evaluated on their undergrad GPA, prerequisite GPA, and interview. I wished they did consider our past experiences since most of us do have healthcare experience or work in the field already, but they don't :// 

Hey guys, is there anyone still waiting on an acceptance decision from USF? I applied since last year and still haven't gotten a decision yet and the deadline is next week. I'm worried. 

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