Usd (ca) mepn fall 2014 applicants

U.S.A. California


Hi! I have yet to find any threads on the University of San Diego's MEPN '14 applicants. I submitted on the day of the deadline.... anyone else out there????

Oh yes.. the interviews are approx 20 min each. Some run a little over. Don't read into it. There will be two people in the room. One Prof and one student. Each take turns to ask questions and take notes. You will be facing them. I cannot imagine that format suddenly changing from last year. When they say dress business casual, make sure it's just that and not what you think that means.

Any Former or Current USD MEPN students that can give me an idea of what my schedule might be like at the beginning of the program? Is it 5 days a week? Two or three days a week? Clinicals are how many hours per week? Any insight would be much appreciated.

Have any of you received any info in the mail regarding the interview itinerary ?

No I haven't heard anything from them since the interview invitation. I hope to hear from them soon.

Thank you so much USDMEPN2013cohort for all your help! I really appreciate it! ?

You start boot camp starts in August. 6 days a week for approx 3 weeks. We had a white coat ceremony after boot camp to make our commitment to nursing official. Its nice coz you get to invite family and their is food after. After that you start fall semester in September. There is one day for lab. One day for clinical. One day for lecture. If you intend to work it is possible. Spring semester two days clinical one day lecture. Summer three days clinical one day lecture. You MUST be flexible in case there are some changes.

Clinical hours start at 8 hours and increase to 12 hours.

Thanks for the info! Wicked helpful, I'll also be coming Boston and renting a car so If anyone needs rides from the area, feel free to join me. I'm excited to get out of this New England weather!

I'm excited for all of you. :roflmao: When my cohort got their acceptance letters, we set up a Facebook page stat and got to know each other way before we started in August. We had a few dinners, bbqs, etc.. It was very good bonding time. Just a reminder DO NOT put any links to sites etc on this forum when you set up your cohort account.

Hi guys! Has anyone heard from yet, either mail or e-mail? I'm getting anxious waiting for them! :(

Hi guys! Has anyone heard from yet, either mail or e-mail? I'm getting anxious waiting for them! :(

I am anxious too! I didn't get anything in the mail today :***:

What are you waiting for?

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