Usd (ca) mepn fall 2014 applicants

U.S.A. California


Hi! I have yet to find any threads on the University of San Diego's MEPN '14 applicants. I submitted on the day of the deadline.... anyone else out there????

@thatsmile thanks!! Good to know. Guess you're right because turns out that....


I ended up calling my parents and found out that the interview invite letter was sent to their house (my permanent address). Imagine my reaction when my parents told me they received a letter from USD and didn't tell me yet! :facepalm:

By the way, my application status still says "ready for review" online. Guess they're only notifying people of interviews via snail mail for now.

Good luck to anyone who hasn't heard back yet. Looking forward to meeting everyone next month! :)


I've been invited to interview too. Is it an individual plus group/prospective events? I have no idea what to expect. Coming from the Bay Area and flying in; debating if I should rent a car or just cab it. Will parking be crazy or anything? I've never been on campus. Excited to meet you all!

From reading past allnurses blogs, I believe it's a mix of both individual and group interviews but I'm not completely positive. You're lucky you won't be traveling too far! I'm coming from Vermont. This interview is the perfect reason to fly across the country for just a little bit of sunshine! :)

Hi All,

This is my first time posting to this particular thread although I, too, have been invited to interview. I've interviewed for graduate programs before, but I have never been invited to a two-day event, which makes me curious about its format. I'll also be coming from the Bay Area and staying with friends (I'm originally from SD).

Hello !

I am USD alumni and I recall the parking always being an issue as the campus is small. However, I plan to park at parking structure and walking to the building. They also provide shuttle services that run pretty close to schedule but not always so just be aware of that. The campus is beautiful and I cannot wait to go back !! See you all there !

Hi Everyone, I know interviews are around the corner. Just relax and be yourself. If I can give you any advice it would be 1. Think about how seriously you want to get into USD. 2. Are you prepared for the huge expense approx $100K and that's just on units. 3. Are you ready for the 'accelerated' component of the program. 4. Can you handle stress. 5. Are you flexible. 6. How good is your support system. You will have a good time meeting everyone. Enjoy the interview and the FOOD. Some of my cohort will be in on the interviews, tours etc. I wish I could be there to cheer you on but I have clinical on Thursday and a full day of class. So you may see the Red cohort on Friday... yup we have two cohorts for the graduating year 2015. We have a total of 61 students and two cohorts. One group has class on Tuesday and the other on Friday. Take care and hope to meet all of you soon!!

By the way interviews are individual. We didn't have group interviews last year. Thursday is a meet and greet with yummy food. Interviews most likely will be on Thursday and Friday. You will be assigned a day. Hope this helps.

Thanks for sharing the info! Did they accept more students into the program last year? I thought they only choose 50 students per cohort.

They typically pick more than 50 because many applicant have applied to other schools. By June most applicants who decide to stick with USD would have put in their $1000 deposit. You have between March-June to finalize your decision. This is the short version of what I was told -Last year, most applicants who were picked stayed with USD. Also since there were a few on the wait list, they decided to let everyone in. Hence the development of the two cohorts. If USD is 'the' school you want, I encourage you to push forward. :)

Thank you so much USDMEPN2013cohort. Your comments are so helpful. Are the interviews long or on the shorter side? Are we interviewing with --------- or other faculty as well?

Thank you so much for the information ! I am so excited to be interviewing at my alma mater !!

Everyone will be assigned a different person to interview with. The main thing they are looking for (I think) is finding the right mix of students. We all have different backgrounds. Not everyone has a Science background. I doubt you will be interviewing with --------------. But during the soiree, you may want introduce yourself and make a good impression. She will remember you. You will also get to meet some of the first and second years. That's the best time to ask questions and get different views about the program. Don't worry so much about the interview. The questions are not the kind you can plan a stock answer. Be yourself and answer honestly. You will do great!;)

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