Specialties Government


Hey everybody! I'm getting ready to apply to USAGPAN for the 2017 start date, and I just wanted to start a thread to connect with others who are applying. I'm sure that I wont receive many responses until closer to the application deadline, but I wanted to use this thread as a means of tracking my progress throughout the application process as well.

This program is my #1 choice, but I am requesting that MEPS grant a medical waiver (I had a football-related injury 10 years ago, but my recruiter said I should be good to go since waivers are much easier for medical personnel to obtain), and I still need to take the GRE, so there is some uncertainty there. I recently began studying for the GRE, and have been doing okay on the practice tests. However, I keep putting the exam off because I didn't apply myself in high school and focused pretty much on sports and good times. I'm currently reteaching myself high school math (ha)! I'm rocking the verbal portion though, so I plan on taking it next month.

I will be applying to a couple of back-up schools as well, but the military is something I've always wanted to do, and I'm not getting any younger (I'm in my late twenties). I actually almost joined the marines after high school, but ended up opting for college instead. The thought of getting paid to fulfill both life and career goals without having to pay tuition is enticing. I think that for me personally, the stress of having $0 in loans from CRNA school, serving my country, not having to worry about living expenses while matriculating, and the top notch education(DNP) I would receive far outweigh, "making 150k/year in the private sector." ..and hey...I wouldn't mind getting some cool trauma experience overseas from a tour or two!


How was the Phase II interview? I know you shadow an army CRNA but is there a face to face interview? Also what kinds of question do they ask? Do they ask clinical questions? I have my interview in June.


Hi everyone,

Just wanted to introduce myself.

I will be applying for June 2017.

Take my gre next month

Anyways very nice to meet all of you


I am a phase 1 student now. Most questions can either go through the schoolhouse itself or a recruiter (depending on what the question is). The schoolhouse staff are always willing to answer questions and help people get accepted into the program. Before I applied I called the schoolhouse and they told me what I needed to do to become a good candidate. PM me if you all have any other questions.

Specializes in Anesthesia.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get an old football injury waivered. I have a couple of interviews scheduled at civilian schools though, so I'm guessing it's debt and no pay while matriculating for me, haha. Good luck to everyone going through the USAGPAN process.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
Unfortunately, I couldn't get an old football injury waivered. I have a couple of interviews scheduled at civilian schools though, so I'm guessing it's debt and no pay while matriculating for me, haha. Good luck to everyone going through the USAGPAN process.

That is a shame!! So sorry. :( Waivers are difficult for all careers during times of drawdown.

Specializes in ICU-CCRN, MSN, CNM, APRN.

How is everyone/where is everyone in the process right now? Did anyone get accepted yet? My application is in and my NEU app is in. I am not going to MEPS I am going on post to get my physical...less crazy and less crap. My GRE was 303. Still waiting on the writing. Took the GRE last year without studying and got a 296/3.5..Nervous about the writing as I feel like I bombed the issue essay. Argument essay I felt like I did very well. And doing that darn science class we need right now. They said biochem or organic chem...did all of you do biochem?? Who went to there phase II interviews so far?? Talk to everyone soon!!

Hi everyone,

I am new to this board and am also applying for the 2017 class. I have submitted my NEU application but am still awaiting the finalization of my conditional release from the Army Reserves in order to complete my physical and Phase II visit/interview. I am really looking forward to getting everything completed! Hope the process is going smoothly for all of you and I wish everyone luck getting in.

I would recommend biochem as it is one of the first classes you will take in the program.

I came in from the guard as enlisted, were you already an officer or were you enlisted?

Specializes in ICU-CCRN, MSN, CNM, APRN.

My recruiter made contact with the director of the Augusta site today for my phase II interview. Waiting on my date now!! Yay!!! Has anyone else done phase II interview yet?

thats something I was wondering... Can you bring your family with you?? I just have a husband and dog but being away/deployed for a year or more would be pretty rough I think.

It's pretty much like what Pixie RN said, but in BOLC you have nights and weekends off. I live off base and came home every night (except the three weeks in the field). weekends are off, and you come back from the field to have weekends off while in the field. Many people received weekend passes to travel around the area. and yes your family can move with you before you report to BOLC as long as your orders are correct. They should (again with correct orders) give you 10 days before bolc to house hunt.

I'm applying to USAGPAN direct accession as well. Looking to do my phase II interview in May sometime, but like you I have to get through MEPS first, which will likely happen at the beginning of May since I'm going in knowingly attempting to get something waivered.

Hoping my stats are competitive enough: 3.6 BSN, 3.1 overall (lots of units from a couple of other prior degrees when my focus was football and girls), 3.3 science, 303 GRE (1130 old scoring) 5.0 writing as well, and CCRN. I currently work in an ICU with the second busiest ER in California, so we see a lot. Lots of traumas and all that good stuff. I have about 4 years of RN experience between VA float pool, and this current ICU. I can currently pass APFT. Part of me wants to retake the GRE for a higher score since I hardly studied, but part of me is over it and never wants to take that test ever again since I surpassed the 297 requirement.

My recruiter seems to think I'm competitive, so hopefully I can get in. Going through the app process makes me understand why the army needs active duty CRNAs. Between the NEU app, army app, additional paperwork, MEPS, and other small requirements, the app process is both exhaustive and exhausting. Just when you think everything is in, BAM, something else is needed. It seems never ending, but I'm hoping I get that acceptance letter to make it all worth it.

I want to apply to other schools that wouldn't require me to move, but I'm not sure if the debt is worth it as a California RN (I'm one of those Cali RNs who makes over 100k). It would also be hard to live in my area with little income while in school. USAGPAN would be a pay cut for me, but the lower cost of living in Texas and other phase 2 sites(HI excluded) offsets that. I mean sure, sometimes I'm not so sure that it would be fair to uproot my wife and dog so that I can be professionally satisfied. The wife is on board though, and It's my dream. I'm not really doing anything else other than working. Can't wait until August to know if I'm in or not.

CCRN dude, PM me and I can give you an idea on how military pay works. I brought my wife and kids and honestly I have no regrets. I actually see my kids more than when I was working full time night shift.

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