US Army Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing (USAGPAN) FY2025

Nursing Students SRNA


Was wondering who all was applying to USAGPAN FY2025? 

Specializes in Medical Surgical ICU.
Autumn Ellis said:

Do you mind sharing your stats/ICU experience? Also, where did you shadow/interview? How was the process for you? Were you asked more clinical or emotional questions? 

Not at all! I had about 2 years of ICU experience when I was applying. I shadowed at Fort Cav and loved it. Each day I shadowed current students. On the final day they pulled me from shadowing to do the interview. They made the process really comfortable and explained things well along the way. Most of my clinical questions were asked throughout the shadowing experience and the interview itself was more questions about my personal life (how I handle stress, do I understand what being an army CRNA will look like, etc) 

Victoria Robbins said:

Not at all! I had about 2 years of ICU experience when I was applying. I shadowed at Fort Cav and loved it. Each day I shadowed current students. On the final day they pulled me from shadowing to do the interview. They made the process really comfortable and explained things well along the way. Most of my clinical questions were asked throughout the shadowing experience and the interview itself was more questions about my personal life (how I handle stress, do I understand what being an army CRNA will look like, etc) 

While you're shadowing, do they ask you questions related to what's going on, like vent settings, medications, etc? Are the clinical questions related to the patients you are caring for that day/ what kind of patients you will see in the surgical setting, or are they asking about your practice in the ICU and what kind of patients you care for? 

Specializes in Medical Surgical ICU.
Autumn Ellis said:

While you're shadowing, do they ask you questions related to what's going on, like vent settings, medications, etc? Are the clinical questions related to the patients you are caring for that day/ what kind of patients you will see in the surgical setting, or are they asking about your practice in the ICU and what kind of patients you care for? 

A little bit of all of the above. They gave me a textbook chapter to read through before my shadowing. Then they built off of that during the cases and kind of walked through the topics in person. It felt more like a discussion than being grilled. We did talk about what I saw on my unit too.

Specializes in ICU.

Had my shadowing experience and interview today 4/18. Everything said above is accurate. They didn't say much after the interview which I hope is normal. I guess the waiting game starts now! 

MikeyD said:

See you Monday 

You all were so amazing! I had such a great shadow/interview experience! I can't express how grateful I am for the opportunity, you guys are AWESOME!! 

Autumn Ellis said:

You all were so amazing! I had such a great shadow/interview experience! I can't express how grateful I am for the opportunity, you guys are AWESOME!! 

Hope your interview went well, good luck! 

Hey everyone! I had a question for those that have been in the program. I am a 30-year-old former Army medic, now a civilian ICU RN. I started the process of applying to USAGPAN last year but wasn't able to complete all the requirements in time. I am applying this year. I have about 3 and a half years of level 1 trauma ICU experience, I have my CCRN, TCRN, and a number of smaller certs like TNCC, ENPC, ATCN ect. I did a biochemistry class last year and got a passing score on the GRE which was required at the time. Years ago, before even going to nursing school I failed a science class which greatly hurt my science GPA. My science GPA meets the requirements (barely), but I am worried that with them dropping biochemistry and GRE as requirements there will be many more people applying and my application won't be as competitive as people with a higher science GPA who haven't completed those things. I know that the USAGPAN program and serving as an Army officer is what I want to do with my life, I'm super nervous about getting in though. Do you think I have a shot of getting accepted? Thank you for any input/advise. 

Rewster14 said:

Hey everyone! I had a question for those that have been in the program. I am a 30-year-old former Army medic, now a civilian ICU RN. I started the process of applying to USAGPAN last year but wasn't able to complete all the requirements in time. I am applying this year. I have about 3 and a half years of level 1 trauma ICU experience, I have my CCRN, TCRN, and a number of smaller certs like TNCC, ENPC, ATCN ect. I did a biochemistry class last year and got a passing score on the GRE which was required at the time. Years ago, before even going to nursing school I failed a science class which greatly hurt my science GPA. My science GPA meets the requirements (barely), but I am worried that with them dropping biochemistry and GRE as requirements there will be many more people applying and my application won't be as competitive as people with a higher science GPA who haven't completed those things. I know that the USAGPAN program and serving as an Army officer is what I want to do with my life, I'm super nervous about getting in though. Do you think I have a shot of getting accepted? Thank you for any input/advise. 

I don't think anyone here can really attest to someone's suitability however the gre, ccrn etc are optional so it sounds like you have done lots of extra things to make up for that grade. The interview recommendation is key. They weigh those very heavy. 

Thank you, I appreciate the feedback! I'm definitely gonna apply and hope for the best!

Specializes in ICU.

Hi all, I started working with my local recruiter 2 weeks ago and she finally sent my packet for CV review yesterday. I hope to get my shadow experience invite soon as the deadline is fast approaching. 

MikeyD said:

Inserting myself in this thread to help answer questions. Graduating in may 2024 

congrats on graduation!

hello im currently a level 2 RN student in an ADN program.I work at a hospital as a CNA and monitor tech.  I plan to work in the ICU upon graduation, obtain my bachelors degree with the goal of applying to usagpan. I have 2 questions first im 36 the soonest I will probably be able to apply is when im 39 or 40. does this hurt my chances of getting in? I read that the age cap is 42 but have you seen many men in their 40's or older in the program? second I have read that it does not matter where you get your bachelors degree, but some of the online BSN programs are pass or fail, and a pass is equivalent to a 3.0. I currently have a 3.95 and a 3.0 would really hurt my GPA, and chances of getting into usagpan. so im considering going to my local 4 year state university for a 15month ADN to BSN program as im gaining experience in the ICU. also any tips you have would be greatly appreciated ty 

jwiley88 said:

congrats on graduation!

hello im currently a level 2 RN student in an ADN program.I work at a hospital as a CNA and monitor tech.  I plan to work in the ICU upon graduation, obtain my bachelors degree with the goal of applying to usagpan. I have 2 questions first im 36 the soonest I will probably be able to apply is when im 39 or 40. does this hurt my chances of getting in? I read that the age cap is 42 but have you seen many men in their 40's or older in the program? second I have read that it does not matter where you get your bachelors degree, but some of the online BSN programs are pass or fail, and a pass is equivalent to a 3.0. I currently have a 3.95 and a 3.0 would really hurt my GPA, and chances of getting into usagpan. so im considering going to my local 4 year state university for a 15month ADN to BSN program as im gaining experience in the ICU. also any tips you have would be greatly appreciated ty 

That is a loaded question. You can apply for an age waiver (no guarantees but you wouldn't be the first one approved). I would not do a pass fail option. You're going to want letter grades when you submit the transcripts. You are welcome to email the POC on the usagpan website and inquire about it as well. The age waiver stuff (if needed) will be through the recruiting office. They typically just approve them and let you apply and see what shakes out. 

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