Published Sep 12, 2005
Aneroo, LPN
1,518 Posts
Protein, Ketones and Leuk's in urine- What would it mean to you to see that in a pregger??? TIA-Andrea
Jolie, BSN
6,375 Posts
It would mean that the expectant mom should call her OB/CNM in the morning, and ask to be seen.
Ketones in the urine can indicate abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates or an inadequate insulin response, possibly related to gestational diabetes. Leukocytes are WBCs, and may be indicative of a UTI. Protein in the urine may be due to the presence of WBCs, or may be an indication of the development of PIH. At any rate, this mama needs to be seen.
HeartsOpenWide, RN
1 Article; 2,889 Posts
Ketones can also show up if the person is not eating.
kastas, BSN, RN
137 Posts
or not drinking
20,964 Posts
It sure sounds like diabetes to me. (allthese things together)
but I am not a doctor. I would strongly recommend anyone having these problems seek prompt treatment by her CNM or dr asap.
I posted about this in break room. Lower back ache. Did a urine strip at work, positive for protein and leuk's. Did one later, positive for ketones. Did more later, same thing. Started antibx last night. When I saw protein, I freaked and called my doc, who was luckily at the hospital. She asked me lots of questions, and sent me a script for Macrobid. I've never really had any UTI symptoms (lower abdomen cramping last week, but urine strip was negative).
So tonight I called my FMIl (a CNM) and she said the ketones were probably from dehydration. Makes sense, but I could never find any literature on it (all I saw was Atkins or diabetes, but I didn't have any glucose in urine).
Thanks a bundle you guys!!!
good luck and feel better!
It sounds like a raging UTI to me.....fortunately, you are on the way to fixing that!
she said the ketones were probably from dehydration. Makes sense, but I could never find any literature on it (all I saw was Atkins or diabetes, but I didn't have any glucose in urine).Thanks a bundle you guys!!!
I don't know the literature either. I do know that when women come in with ketones and an irritable looking pattern we will often have ordered to run fluids until small to no ketones. It almost always works.