Published Mar 4, 2010
elprup, BSN, RN
1,005 Posts
representatives lois capps, rn (d-ca) and frank lobiondo (r-nj) have circulated a letter soliciting support for a $23 million increase in funding for nursing workforce development programs. this dear colleague solicitation asks other members of the u.s. house of representatives to sign-on to a statement supporting $267.3 million in fiscal year (fy) 2011 funding for the title viii nursing workforce development programs administered by the health resources and services administration (hrsa). if nurses can urge a large number of members of congress to sign onto the capps/lobiondo letter, we will be more likely to receive this funding increase. do not delay! email your member of congress today! the deadline for members to sign onto the dear colleague letter is
friday, march 12th!
to read the capps/lobiondo dear colleague letter, please click here.
to learn more about nursing workforce development programs, please click here.
kind regards,
ana government affairs
5,351 Posts
Why would nurses wish to support something so contrary to our interests? We don't need more tax payer money to schools to pump out yet more and more nurses when so many RNs can't find jobs?
I find the idea offensive as both an RN and a tax payer.
190 Posts
Where does this money come from? Why is it necessary to spend?
Just because something in congress has "Nurses" attached to it doesn't make it worthy of our support. We have enough nurses there is no reason to waste tax payers dollars when we have a FEDERAL DEFICIT! In otherwords our country is already spending money it doesn't have. Let people who want to become nurses fund their own education through low interest student loans. Those who don't want student loans or to pay for their schooling outright, can step aside and let one of the 10 qualified people waiting to get into nursing school who would take a loan take their place.
When on earth will our citizen's feelings of entitlement stop?
tewdles, RN
3,156 Posts
Does Lois Capps, RN (D-CA) realize that all the nurses at SF general hospital are getting pink slips? Seems silly to spend tax dollars at this time to educate more nurses when there is NO evidence that we actually need more nurses. But, hey, this is the same congress who votes themselves raises which cost the taxpayers millions when there is NO evidence that they actually earn or are worth the money they make.
Given the number of bad-for-nurses ideas that come from the ANA I have about decided that ANA= Anti Nurses Association.
100 Posts
Please read you articles before you post.
It is a very simple equation: Too many nurses=lower salaries=CEO's make more money.
Has congress helped nurses in the past? Congress is run by lobbyists who work for large hospitals. Where do you think this bill came from?