UPenn Direct Entry BSN/MSN 2014

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi there,

I was surprised there wasn't already a thread for those applying to UPenn's direct entry program since the threads from previous years were so active, so I thought I would start one where this year's applicants could gather. :)

I'm just hoping to get to know some other applicants so we can support each other through this nerve wracking process! My name is Michelle and I am applying for the Nurse Anesthesia specialty, I'm in the process of working on my personal statement. Any others out there?

Hi all! Congrats everyone! I finished the accelerated BSN in December so could try to answer questions if you have them. Philly is a great city with lots to offer, so don't feel intimidated about house hunting or the big move this spring. It all works out.

Hi sweetjane, how did you like the BSN portion so far? I'm just curious what most students do between the BSN and MSN. I know that I would definitely want to take the NCLEX and work right away, but do most students choose to work in Philly before beginning their Masters portion?

Great info cchun, thanks for helping us out! I'm another California kid (Bay Area) and got accepted for the BSN/MSN FNP program. Super excited about it, but still waiting to hear back from a couple of other programs before announcing the news to anybody. Philly seems like it'd be a great place for a city lover, and I'm super drawn to the ability to complete the masters w/in 5 years. So, thus far, it's looking like U Penn is a winner! But we'll see... Congratulations to the rest of you with acceptances and good luck to those on the waiting list!

It is really a mixed bag. You think you want to go straight through, then you work. You want to work, but you decide to go straight through. I'm debating what to do myself right now. There honestly is no right answer - it's what's best for your life. Your peers and peer advisors and faculty advisors are great people to hash it out with. There are pluses and minuses to both routes! It's up to you;) I'm studying for the NCLEX right now, sleeping in, watching Girls, playing with my dog, and hanging out with friends... soooo... ;)

Oh the BSN was good, generally. I'm happy with my education and feel prepared. There were many stressful times, many tears, many laughs, and you just end up relying on your amazing class and cohort to support you. You will need one another, and really come to love one another too... I've made the most amazing friends at Penn. They are people I will know and consult with throughout my career.

That's so reassuring to hear =) Are you originally from Philly? If not, how did you adjust? Also, would you happen to know where I can find the year's academic calendar which includes general start and end dates as well as any breaks?

Hello there! Does anyone know where or when we will be getting out financial aid information?

Specializes in Pediatric CICU.

It says on the FAQ that if we submitted all of the necessary materials by Dec. 15th that we would hear back about financial aid two weeks after decisions came out

hi all! anyone know if there is a visitors day and/or if you're going to attend? also, is there a Facebook group yet? Can't wait to meet all of you. anyone out there choosing between penn and other schools?

Specializes in Pediatric CICU.

If you go to the accelerated welcome page there is a "Save the Date" section on the right side and it says there is a nursing visit day on Feb. 28th and a graduate open house Mar. 1st! Both say we will get more information sent to us later. Personally I won't be able to attend because it is so far away, but luckily I got to see Penn and the campus when I went for my interview!

I haven't seen anything about a Facebook group yet but would love to join if someone gets one started! I am so excit ed thinking about moving to Philly and starting this journey! I got into Columbia's ETP program, but my heart is really set on UPenn. I am waiting to hear about financial aid before I officially commit though. What about everyone else?

I had never been to Philly before... I moved a few days before the program started, did the phone interview, skipped visiting day. It was sort of a gamble but it's a great city - and has comforts that all cities offer. I came from the West Coast (one of the many) and found the lack of interesting produce options sort of disheartening, but you make do. That was the only adjustment. Oh, beer is REALLY expensive if you buy a 6 pack in a store. Sometimes $13. Ha, my priorities...beer and vegetables;) I'm not sure where a calendar would be... the curriculum changed from my class to the last year's one, so it's a new schedule. Is anyone from the current BSN class posting here?

Anyone remember which specialties require you to work after completing the BSN? And for how long?

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