UPenn Direct Entry BSN/MSN 2014

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi there,

I was surprised there wasn't already a thread for those applying to UPenn's direct entry program since the threads from previous years were so active, so I thought I would start one where this year's applicants could gather. :)

I'm just hoping to get to know some other applicants so we can support each other through this nerve wracking process! My name is Michelle and I am applying for the Nurse Anesthesia specialty, I'm in the process of working on my personal statement. Any others out there?

I got in for pmhnp! Good luck to everyone else! :)

I'm a bit confused by what they mean about approving transfer credit? I finished all of my prerequisites so what transfer credit are they referring to? If I was accepted then didn't my prerequisites count/transfer?

I think the culture is quite different here. I can't say it's "better" or "worse," but here are some things I've discovered for myself here. 1. Way more walking/commuting/public transportation. It's a normal thing to ride buses,subways,trains 2. Because of number 1, you get more human interaction 3. I feel like people here are way more social, approachable. However, it includes both really nice, friendly people and really mean, rude people whereas in California you kinda keep to yourself all the time haha. 4. Do some research on where you want to live, probably university city (since that's where Penn is), because I think in general, rent is cheaper in Philly than in Cali, but there are sketchy areas and safe areas so you have to make sure you're somewhere safe. 5. I LOVE the public events/activities that the city holds. There are free movie nights during summer/fall at the park outside of the Art Museum. There are free jazz concerts and lots of other fun events that you can attend throughout the city. Lots of farmer's markets, street festivals. I feel like in LA (not sure what part you're from), a lot of activities you partake in cost a lot of money. Even street festivals and things are overpriced. 6.Food seems a little pricier, I think it's because the selection is less than in LA. Produce is more expensive, especially oranges and avocados Hahah. Other than that, it's a fun place to be, especially if you're social and like the city life. Hope that helps a little and sorry it's all over the place and random.

Thanks for all that information! It feels refreshing to hear someone from LA say such positive things about Philly :) I'm also from LA and I love it here. I guess my biggest worry is the "Ivy league culture" at Penn which I've heard some negative things about. However, I'm hoping the culture among the nursing students is much more warm and welcoming. It will be tough get out of my comfort zone and move across the country but at the end of the day it's what I choose to make of it.

PNPhopeful, I am also from California! It's going to be a huge change, but I am so excited!

I'm so happy to hear that we're on the same boat! Where in CA will you be moving from? I'm excited too but I have so many questions in my head right now!!...like do I need a car? How am I going to find a place to live? When should I move out? Are people nice? Will I FREEZE?? :dead:

Lol I just need to start letting it all sink in at this point.

I'm also from the West Coast (from Seattle!). I visited Philly back in December and really liked it. We'll definitely be the minority (most people I met were from the East Coast, Florida, etc). So much going through my head as well, it will be a big move and a big change!

Waiiitlisted! There appears to be a lot of us?

Specializes in Pediatric CICU.
I'm so happy to hear that we're on the same boat! Where in CA will you be moving from? I'm excited too but I have so many questions in my head right now!!...like do I need a car? How am I going to find a place to live? When should I move out? Are people nice? Will I FREEZE?? :dead:

Lol I just need to start letting it all sink in at this point.

I'm from the Bay Area, a bit north of San Francisco, but I went to school in San Diego for four years! I know I totally feel the same way about being excited but totally overwhelmed at the same time! I've heard that we don't need a car for the ABSN part of the program (and they don't recommend bringing one), but that we will most likely need one for the master's portion. I have NO IDEA about finding housing! It feels weird to try and find housing from so far away and to commit to something without seeing it in person, I am definitely nervous about that as well. I'm not sure what most students do who can't really come out to Philly to browse their options.. does anyone else have any advice on this? I've heard F.C. say that it is a good idea to move out a couple weeks before the program begins because the summer semester is so busy and it is hard to get little things done once we've started, so I'm thinking I'm going to aim for a lease that starts June 1st? Freeze? We totally will! I went out and visited the school/went to my interview and it was like mid-twenties during the daytime which was COLD to me. Are you definitely going to accept UPenn's offer?

Yes, you will freeze! But that is only because us californians are so pampered by the good weather. I am a baby when it comes to the cold, and even in LA, I would wear my uggs and a thick jacket in 60 degree weather. So when I moved out to Philly two years ago, the winters were so cold and the summers were so humid. You do get acclimated to the weather though, it just takes a little bit of time to get used to. Your scarves become a necessity, not an accessory, and you'll buy jackets with down. It is nice to see the different seasons though, but at this point, I am ready for winter to leave!

As for moving out here, it was tough on my husband and me too. We came out here two years ago so he could attend medical school here and we selected a place without physically checking it out. Since, it was our first year, we wanted to make sure we had a somewhat comfortable living arrangement and be located in a safe area. Now that it's going to be our third year here, we're more open to moving to other areas since we know what's safe and what's dangerous.

Honestly, if you end up going to Upenn, I'd recommend just finding apartments in University City. Upenn is located in university city and it's a pretty safe area since there are a lot of colleges there. Unless you plan on commuting everyday, university city is where all the students live, and you'd be walking distance to school. If you want to be in center city, expect to pay more than anywhere else. There are a lot of suburban cities near upenn, but if you choose to live there, expect to drive to school or take a train (which can get costly). If you only plan to get your bsn, then I'd recommend just living in university city and hope for the best that the place you chose is alright. If you plan on doing the bsn/msn, then you can always find a better place that is more suitable to your needs after you situate yourself for the first year. I've lived here for 2 years and we don't need a car (I live in fairmount area). I think most clinicals are close by and you don't need a car, but there might be a few suburban areas that you'd have to take the train out. Parking is also kind of hard to find when you're in university city. If you live slightly farther from the schools, but still in that area, parking is easier. Hope this helps. Here is also a map of the general safe areas in philly, green is good to go, I wouldn't even try for yellow! https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&hl=en&hq=&hnear=S+13th+St+%26+Ellsworth+St,+Philadelphia,+Pennsylvania+19147&t=h&msa=0&msid=103914503513450622647.0004857e74b887234a62f&ll=39.928596,-75.170603&spn=0.018627,0.045447&z=15

BTW, if you look at the map of where Upenn is, you'll notice its west of the Schuykill river, so if you live anywhere east of it, you can still commute easily, but you'd have to take a trolley/bus (which would cost you 1.80 each way, unless you have a bus pass). So just keep in mind where you want to live should be west of the river in that green grid near school if you want convenience!

Sorry I wrote so much! I forgot to mention, if you're worried about strange roomies or you can't really afford to live on your own, you can always try to contact someone in this forum to partner up to rent an apartment together! That way you can get a 2 bedroom, and save more money than getting a 1 bedroom by yourself. Just a thought!

Specializes in Pediatric CICU.

Wow that is all super helpful, thanks so much!

Thanks for all that information, cchun! I will definitely look into all of your suggestions.

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