Published Mar 26, 2014
32 Posts
I am in rural Maryland hospital that is currently looking in to it's call situation. Like anywhere, morale is an issue. We currently make $2.50/hr on call, and make straight time when working until we get to 40 hours. We work a lot of call, and tend to feel beat up much of the time. Management is looking to see how our call pay "measures up". Any thoughts?
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,976 Posts
We've been stuck at $2/hour for the last 15-20 years. However, staying at least a half hour past end of shift or getting called in is a guaranteed 2 hours minimum of time and a half, regardless of reaching 40 hours or not. We've been trying to get the pay raised, even gathered information from other area hospitals proving that they pay at least $2 more per hour, but it falls on deaf ears.
Rose thanks for responding. Where are you located?
springchick1, ADN, RN
1 Article; 1,769 Posts
$2.50 to carry the pager. Time and a half for a minimum of 2 hours if called in. Our overtime is time and a half for anything over 40 hrs in that week. Overtime is time and a half whether we work 40 hours or not n
Our call pay so far is similiar, but the way you are paid for call is way different. Good information to know!
5 Posts
$5 an hr to be on call and time and a half for at least 4 hours if called in. Wilmington De
1 Post
In my facility, we get paid $12/hr on weekdays, $13/hr on weekends. We get paid, time and a half, a minimum of 4 hours each time we get called in.
2 Posts
I am sure a rural hospital has stricter pay scales, but where I work in Downtown Denver, CO. we make $4 an hour for being on call. When we get called in, we automatically get paid for 2 hours of call time when we clock in plus however long we are there. Our callback pay is our base pay + $20 an hour.
Thanks for all the info! This is so helpful:)
565 Posts
in NY its 112$ for an 8 hour shift I believe, and 175 for a 12.
33 Posts
3$/hr for being on call and time and a half when you are called in BUT we have scheduled "late days" where you are on call for a few hours past your 8hr shift and if you have to stay you only get paid time and half for that if it puts you over 40hrs/week. If you go home and get called back in for those shifts it's time and a half. Its confusing and weird. Where I worked last it was 2$/hr and time a half regardless if you worked your 40 hours and automatic 2 hours of pay if you clocked in.
37 Posts
$1.50/hr call pay, 2 hour minimum paid on callback, and no special pay pay for callbacks. Overtime was only anything past 40 hours a week. Level 1 trauma center with 35 OR's. I always knew it seemed low, more so after reading the other responses! I figure its low because callbacks do not occur often (except for the transplant team and endo vascular team), as it is staffed 24/7. They used to pay RVU pay to the primary circulator and primary scrub, but quit a few years ago. That was awesome pay when they did that!