UofT 2023 Fall intake

World Canada CA Programs


Hi everyone,

It seems like there's no forum for uoft 2023 intake, so here I am to start one. Let's get through the admission journey together! Feel free to share any updates on your admission process, and please share your experiences, backgrounds and questions! 

 @currentaccel.RNstudent @Rene K

Since there's no private messaging on here, my email is [email protected]!

I would love to talk to you about the program and your experience with taking anatomy from Athabaska if you don't mind!!


Specializes in BSc, Mental Health, Abnormal Psychology.
maya08 said:

 @currentaccel.RNstudent @Rene K

Since there's no private messaging on here, my email is [email protected]!

I would love to talk to you about the program and your experience with taking anatomy from Athabaska if you don't mind!!


I also took A + P at Athabasca. Let me know if you have any questions. 

@Liisa444 BSc Yes!! you can email me as well:) I have lots of questions 

Does anyone know if there are more acceptances going out today? I saw that in past years they do the Monday due to Friday being a holiday and I am anxiously awaiting to hear back! 

Has anyone got their offers today?


whitechoc said:

Has anyone got their offers today?


I didn't! I've been checking the facebook group # of members and theres only 1 new member since yesterday. I know that doesn't mean much but hoping it means the next round is Friday, not yesterday. 

Has anyone got their offers yet today?

emkeon said:

Has anyone got their offers yet today?

I think they usually send it out around 5-8 pm ish. 

emkeon said:

I didn't! I've been checking the facebook group # of members and theres only 1 new member since yesterday. I know that doesn't mean much but hoping it means the next round is Friday, not yesterday. 

Oh! I didn't even know there was a facebook group!

mikalexia said:

Oh! I didn't even know there was a facebook group!

Yeah there is!! Here's the link if you've received your acceptance already ?https://www.facebook.com/groups/743820577179797/

Anyone get last Friday acceptance?

Shayna Tierney said:

Anyone get last Friday acceptance?

Nope! Still waiting :/. Has anyone else heard? I emailed admissions for a question the other day and got back

"Admission decisions are issued in different stages from April until the end of June. All applicants will hear from us via email no later than June 30." 

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