Liisa444 BSc

BSc, Mental Health, Abnormal Psychology

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About Liisa444 BSc

Liisa444 BSc specializes in BSc, Mental Health, Abnormal Psychology.

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  1. Liisa444 BSc

    KPU Nursing students Spring 2024

    The practice lab kit is mandatory but won't use it until semester 2 and 3. You need to get all the required text/ebooks including online courses for pathophysiology and nursing fundamentals. There are quizzes you take on there that are used for grade...
  2. Some Canadian hospitals are getting rid of on-call requirements.
  3. Liisa444 BSc

    69 Medications Every New ER Nurse Must Master!

    This is good to know! Maybe that is why I did not hear about it when I was learning pharm in nursing school.
  4. Liisa444 BSc

    69 Medications Every New ER Nurse Must Master!

    Yes, I agree. I am in Canada and in my nursing school we learn the generic names.
  5. Liisa444 BSc

    The University of British Columbia (UBC) BSN 2024 Entry

    If you have a degree you can apply to the AE-BSN at KPU.
  6. Liisa444 BSc

    KPU Nursing students Spring 2024

    Regarding your courses, I would just ask KPU. I did my degree in the US and they accepted it to cover the various courses. I did BIOL235 with Athabasca and they were accepted. Let me know if you have any more questions!
  7. Liisa444 BSc

    Need advice for false positive drug screen

    Your program requires you to get a drug test??
  8. Liisa444 BSc

    Tips for being nervous

    What about school makes you nervous? Lab, SIMS? or something else? I know I always get so nervous right before I have to do a SIM.
  9. In BC we have a new grad program with a commitment of 6 months.
  10. Liisa444 BSc

    Admissions to Fall 2024 Accelerated Nursing in Canada

    Hi! Thought I would chime in. I am attending an accelerated BSN program in BC at KPU. I am in the 2nd semster.
  11. Liisa444 BSc

    KPU Nursing students Spring 2024

    It was a mixture some days were on campus and others were studying from home.
  12. Liisa444 BSc

    KPU Nursing students Spring 2024

    The assignments are all due at the same time usually Mondays by 5 pm. Technically you can work part time while doing this program. Although it is not recommended. I would say it is better to have a very flexible job that is casual. This is a full-tim...
  13. Liisa444 BSc

    Managing Stress

    In my nursing school, we have relational engagement courses with a lot of focus on mindfulness. Also, a requirement of the program is to be set up as a nurse mentor throughout the whole program for support.
  14. Liisa444 BSc

    The Incorporation Of AI Into Nursing Education

    In the UK nurses still wear dresses 🙂
  15. Liisa444 BSc

    KPU Nursing students Spring 2024

    In the 1st semester, the lab is the first 2 weeks. Then clinical starts after that around the beginning of October until mid-November with different groups going on different days. Our group was the last to go from Nov 1-16, 3x week 6-hour shifts. In...