Unusual career choices for RNs


Specializes in Med surg, cardiac, case management.

I've been looking at options for the future....education, research, NP, etc...but I wonder what I'm missing.

I know nurses can do a wide variety of jobs. I was wondering if there were some unusual choices that I'm missing.

Specializes in Med surg, cardiac, case management.

Wow, I just saw this! I don't have an answer for you right now but maybe someone else will.


hmmm office related nursing? nurse recruiter, paralegal nurse... etc

Specializes in High-risk OB, Labor & Delivery.

forensic nursing

Transport nursing (by flight or ground)

Specializes in NICU, Nursery.

Why try another area you find interesting? You'll love the experience and learn more too. ;)

Or if you have enough experience and planning to get your masteral anyway, why not teach?

Good Luck! :)

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