Unpaid orientation LTC

Specialties Geriatric


Hi everyone! I'm so excited to be joining allnurses. Yay! :)

Anyway, I am a new grad and recently passed my nclex. i've been looking for jobs and I was offered to work in an LTC. But then, they told me that my orientation will not be paid. I was wondering if this is normal or even legal?

Thanks in advance for your comments and thoughts.

Specializes in Post Acute, Med/Surg, ED, Nurse Manager.

Think about it objectively. Try not to have a defensive mindset and then professionalism is a lot easier. Just use some good old therapeutic communication. Keep it short and sweet and even via email would be appropriate. If you are orienting as a nurse and something did occur, you would not be an employee if you were not paid. I would imagine there area ton of liability and legal issues there.

"I understood from discussing this job offer with your facility that the required orientation is not compensated. I really feel this doesn't work for me, due to liability issues. While I appreciate the job offer for your organization, I am afraid I must decline."

Specializes in Rehab, acute/critical care.

Simple: "Thank you for the offer but I have decided to pursue other opportunities."

That red flag tells me they probably have a high turnover rate and you will just end up looking for a better job anyways.

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.
Thank you everyone for your responses. I have been thinking about what you all said. It's nice to be given advices by fellow nurses who understands my situation. The problem with me maybe is I don't know how to say "no." I am sometimes a pushover and being a nurse I know I should change that. Now my problem would be how do I turn down their job offer without sounding ungrateful or unprofessional?

You don't have to tell them why you're declining an offer. You don't have to worry about looking unprofessional either--you are a professional, and professionals get paid.

I've worked for three SNFs and four hospitals between my years as a CNA and RN. I've never worked for free--even during orientation. Any facility showing such ridiculous policies straight out of the gate is a facility that should be run from.

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.
"thank you so much, but I require an employer that offers paid orientation"

On second thought, I like this better than not giving a reason. :up:

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