university of phoenix

Nursing Students Online Learning


Hello everyone!

I would like to know if anyone has any information about the RN to BSN program at the University of Phoenix. They have an online program and I am very interested in attending. Has anyone had a good experience or a bad experience with them? Do you actually learn for the money you have to pay?? I would appreciate any information. Thank you!

when i talked to u of p last summer they basically had u do your rn thru excelsior then continue with them for your bsn. that is how they had it before anyway. for me, i did not choose u of p b/c the classes were too fast, too expensive, and too much everything for me!lol i did not want to have to do a power point presentation every 5 weeks along with a group project. i am not in that much of a hurry to get my bsn. i choose univ of wyoming, they do a regular semester online rn-bsn program...and i got federal financial aid to pay for my classes since my income wasn't too high (just got my rn, so it hasn't hit tax returns yet!) good luck everyone with your decisions!

Specializes in Pediatrics.
when i talked to u of p last summer they basically had u do your rn thru excelsior then continue with them for your bsn. that is how they had it before anyway. for me, i did not choose u of p b/c the classes were too fast, too expensive, and too much everything for me!lol i did not want to have to do a power point presentation every 5 weeks along with a group project. i am not in that much of a hurry to get my bsn. i choose univ of wyoming, they do a regular semester online rn-bsn program...and i got federal financial aid to pay for my classes since my income wasn't too high (just got my rn, so it hasn't hit tax returns yet!) good luck everyone with your decisions!

Yes, I just spoke with my admissions couselor again yesterday and indeed the program is not quite as "seamless" as I thought. I will get an Associates in Health Care Administration. If I maintain a 3.5 GPA I will be eligible to go right into the accelerated Bachelor Health Care Administration program. That will take me 13 months to complete. I will be eligible to enroll in their RN diploma program and do my clinicals through the local teaching hospital that they have an agreement with. Total: 4 years. OR I can continue to get my associates, transfer my credits to Excelsior and test out of the seven nursing concepts (I am taking micro and A&P online through another school in 2006) and essentially graduate with two associate degrees. The final option is to get my bachelor degree in health care administration and enroll in an accelerated (2nd degree) BSN program. So, in essence what they say about becoming an RN is true, but there are A LOT of steps involved in the middle.

:p I still think it is a productive path and I look forward to having two degrees, especially health care administration. I can only work part time now anyway, d/t child care issues and my husband's career finally taking off, so what better way to spend my time than getting my education?

P.S. I downloaded my syllabus for my first two classes yesterday. You are right! IT IS FAST PACED AND A LOT OF WORK! :rolleyes: I am praying that I can stay on top of the game and maintain that 3.5. :uhoh21: Here's to hard work and an exhausting 20 months!

I just graduated from UoP 11/30/05. I now have my BSN and I absolutely loved the program. I was nice to go to school in my pajamas. Many times I would put the kids to bed then do my homework. There are no tests to take, there is just lots of reading and posting assignments, power points to do as well as written papers. I am not a test taker so I took this route and I am VERY HAPPY I did. I find that UoP had the time for me and I had the time for it! You can log onto the school website and post assignments and discussion materials and questions from anywhere. I had three clinical classes that I just utilized my community resources for. It was an awesome experience. I truly had a blast. I can give you the name of my academic advisor if you so desire to get more info. My advisor was the bomb! VERY HELPFUL.

Specializes in Transplant, homecare, hospice.
I just graduated from UoP 11/30/05. I now have my BSN and I absolutely loved the program. I was nice to go to school in my pajamas. Many times I would put the kids to bed then do my homework. There are no tests to take, there is just lots of reading and posting assignments, power points to do as well as written papers. I am not a test taker so I took this route and I am VERY HAPPY I did. I find that UoP had the time for me and I had the time for it! You can log onto the school website and post assignments and discussion materials and questions from anywhere. I had three clinical classes that I just utilized my community resources for. It was an awesome experience. I truly had a blast. I can give you the name of my academic advisor if you so desire to get more info. My advisor was the bomb! VERY HELPFUL.

Wow...I've read nothing but positive posts about UOP. I just spoke to a counselor yesterday and hope to be starting March 1st. I'm totally psyched about getting back to get my BSN!!! This is awesome. I was told that they have about 10-15 RNs per class and the class is from 6p-10p weekly (once a week)...I'm not sure if you had class or if it was ALL online. I like the idea of the 4 hours of class. Can you believe I'm actually looking forward to the presentations??? ACK! Who me??? Did I just say that???

I'm so excited!!! Thanks for the post....makes me feel better about going back...

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