University of California, Davis (UC Davis) Health Master's Entry Program in Nursing (MEPN) Summer 2024

Nursing Students School Programs

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Hi, I didn't see a thread for UC Davis's Master's Entry Program in Nursing (MEPN) for the Summer 2024 application cycle, so I wanted to start one to connect with other people who applied! I know people received invitations around this time last year to apply through the UC Davis Graduate Studies application. Has anyone heard back yet? Best of luck to everyone!

I received the email around 7:04 pm too. I am going to be attending UCI's MEPN program. I already declined UC Davis so hopefully someone else can get an email soon. 

Hello all, I was accepted into the program, but have not yet accepted have a few more days to decide. I was under the impression that UC programs were slightly cheaper then private schools but after doing research I found that the cost for the 6 quarters at UCD come out to roughly 120k and this doesn't include living costs or even books. Just curious to know from my fellow classmates if I do accept into this program, is anybody else hesitant b/c of the cost?

Congrats! Yes the cost is SUBSTANTIAL. If you already live locally you should be fine. But if you're newcomer to the area Sacramento living costs have skyrocketed since 2020. I spend on average for living costs alone $3000 month room, $500-$600 gas a month. Food since I have kids is about $1000 a month. This doesn't include other bills such as utilities, cell phone, medical coverage, etc. If you're trying to live in a safe area it'll cost you that much more as well. Hope this helps give you a ballpark. 

Thenursingguy said:

Congrats! Yes the cost is SUBSTANTIAL. If you already live locally you should be fine. But if you're newcomer to the area Sacramento living costs have skyrocketed since 2020. I spend on average for living costs alone $3000 month room, $500-$600 gas a month. Food since I have kids is about $1000 a month. This doesn't include other bills such as utilities, cell phone, medical coverage, etc. If you're trying to live in a safe area it'll cost you that much more as well. Hope this helps give you a ballpark. 

Yea I would be relocating from LA so about a 6 hour drive up north and would most likely look for whatever the most affordable housing is. ie dorms or on campus housing. But yea I was factoring in everything and for a 2 yr span the cost would probably be like 150k for the program housing books and other costs. Seems a bit outrageous 🙃

arslan rehman said:

Yea I would be relocating from LA so about a 6 hour drive up north and would most likely look for whatever the most affordable housing is. ie dorms or on campus housing. But yea I was factoring in everything and for a 2 yr span the cost would probably be like 150k for the program housing books and other costs. Seems a bit outrageous 🙃

I am on the waitlist for the program, but I've been looking into other programs and the ABSN route which is much cheaper than MEPN and I considered going to an RN to MSN program later after being an RN. 
I've been considering a lot of routes  if anyone has any other suggestions, I am open for it  



Does this program needs 6 quarters to complete the program? 

LeaderN said:

Does this program needs 6 semester to complete the program? 

I read online that's it's year round. So starts Summer 2024, Fall 24, Winter 24, Spring 25, Summer 25, Fall 25 and Winter 25 I believe. It's roughly 16 months? 

Blessed2024 said:

I read online that's it's year round. So starts Summer 2024, Fall 24, Winter 24, Spring 25, Summer 25, Fall 25 and Winter 25 I believe. It's roughly 16 months? 

do you know the total cost of tuition to complete the program? Is it 120k 

Blessed2024 said:

I am on the waitlist for the program, but I've been looking into other programs and the ABSN route which is much cheaper than MEPN and I considered going to an RN to MSN program later after being an RN. 
I've been considering a lot of routes  if anyone has any other suggestions, I am open for it  



I hope you get off soon, and yes I am honestly thinking about this as I'm sure you've done research and seen what people have to say on the subject on reddit

LeaderN said:

do you know the total cost of tuition to complete the program? Is it 120k 

It's 6 quarters so roughly a little shorter then 2 years, in the congrats email it says that last years program was roughly 120k tuition  but doesn't not include books health care or cost of living 

Specializes in Student.
LeaderN said:

do you know the total cost of tuition to complete the program? Is it 120k 

The information I was given stated that the most recent cohort's tuition was approximately $126K.

LV008 said:

The information I was given stated that the most recent cohort's tuition was approximately $126K.

The one thing that makes me hesitant about the program and I'm looking for some insight on, we get our entry level MSN, meaning we work entry level positions for the Masters degree or as an RN... we would still need to apply for an NP Program or do another program to actually be working at a masters level? 
I want to be an RN, but IDK how I feel about paying a masters degree price to only work as an RN and entry level positions. 

can anyone provide anymore clarification or how we would work with our degree? I'm considering other MEPN programs because I already have two bachelors and didn't want to do BSN, but I'm considering it. 

I've been an LVN now for 11 years. RNs with MSNs are usually in leadership roles, case management, or educator roles. Most max out at 120k a year in Northern California. Roles and responsibilities are very heavy. You're more in an administrative role per se until you decide to become and NP. But there are floor nurses who clear much more money and have less stress than MSNs and NPs. I'm currently an educator for dialysis, and I work with a lot of MSNs. They are usually like I mentioned in leadership roles and have to make sure their units are staffed, trained, cooperative, as well as maintaining administrative duties. Hope this helps. 

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