University of Calgary January 2019

World Canada CA Programs


Hello, future nurses!

I'm a current U of C student who applied through the degree holder route. I'll be graduating at the end of this year. Please feel free to post any questions here!

Another round of applications is starting soon for the January 2019 intake of Transfer and/or Degree Holder students. Here's the U of C page for their info:


Degree Holder

One of the most common questions is whether the courses you have taken meet the faculty's pre-requisites. The best way to be sure is to email a screenshot of your transcript to [email protected] and ask if you are missing anything.

Important note! As of 2019, the faculty is changing the schedule for the summer terms.

"We will compress all courses in Term 4 and Term 7 to be offered over a 9-week period from late April to the end of June. The result would be an intense spring term, but students would have no scheduled nursing courses during July and August."

While having 2 months off sounds great for some, it causes trouble for others (student loans, jobs, child care etc.). Please be aware of this change before applying.

Best of luck!

I submitted i think.. july 8th

Hi everyone!

Has anyone asked admissions about how many people they take in for degree holder and trasnfer routes?

Also, is getting into one easier than the other? I am wondering if I should finish my degree or save some money.

Hi all, I just got my little green check mark today! Just looking around for folks I might see in January :)

Those who have gotten accepted, do you mind sharing what your gpa was?

I got my green check mark yesterday!! I'm over the moon. I wasn't expecting to be accepted so early as my GPA was calculated at either 3.55 or 3.58. I applied to the Degree holder route mid-July and they received all of my transcripts on Aug 2.

Good luck to everyone. Can't wait to meet you all in January.

I got my green check mark yesterday!! I'm over the moon. I wasn't expecting to be accepted so early as my GPA was calculated at either 3.55 or 3.58. I applied to the Degree holder route mid-July and they received all of my transcripts on Aug 2.


This is great news! Congratulations!

@Maria94 I emailed admissions and had them calculate it and their unofficial calculation was 3.73! Hope that helps

Does anyone know what day the program will start? I'm coming from another province so trying to decide if I should move in December or January!

@elise1996 awesome, thank you!! :) I think I applied with a ~3.8 and my transcripts were received in July so I just need to be patient :)

According to the U of C calendar, Winter 2019 classes start January 10th but the term officially starts January 2nd. Not sure if there is any kind of orientation for the program during the week of the 2nd!

Congrats Belle2017!

Congrats @jennysi and @Belle2017

Does anyone know how many people are accepted into the degree route per year?

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