
Hello everyone! I just got done with all my pre-reqs and need to take my teas! Who else is applying for this term?????

I'm applying to the summer term, but if I don't get in I will reapply to that term!

Ahh good luck to you! Are you applying to any other schools? Have you taken your TEAS? If so, what is it like??

Yes UF, USF, and UCF! You? I have taken it, but made a 74% so I am taking it again. It is much harder than I anticipated and will be studying a lot for the next time. I made 90% on both the reading and math sections, but science was really hard for me. And the grammar was too, but I just need a little refresher on the rules.

Awesome! I thought about applying at UF but it is too far for me. I am only applying at fscj and UNF. Im shooting more towards UNF. So fingers crossed. I have the GPA, just have to study hard for the TEAS. How hard was the math, and did you feel you had enough time to complete the problems? I heard you couldn't use a calculator so that kind of scared me.

I would suggest getting the ati study manual. If you understand every math problem in it then you will do great! The problems are very doable without a calculator. It's very basic high school math that just needs to be practiced.

Okay awesome! I just didn't want there to be any surprises besides from what I have studied in the manual lol. Does the ATI manual do a good job at covering the science section?

Thank you!!! When do you find out about summer?

Hear back if you got in for the summer***?

1st round decisions are mid February and second round is March 14th!

Wow!!! That is pretty close !! Is that when they make the interview calls or did you already have the interview?

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