UNF Accelerated BSN Summer 2013

U.S.A. Florida


The deadline to apply for UNF's Accelerated BSN program beginning Spring 2013 will be here before we know it (January 15, 2013), which is why I wanted to go ahead and start this topic now. Many of us are taking the TEAS V soon (if we have not already) and finishing up prerequisites (if needed), so I am sure we all have some questions or information to share with each other.

I think that means that of the 160 people invited to interview, 103 of them applied for the accelerated program (which you are correct about there only being 27 spots). I was wondering what the break down of accelerated to regular applicants was for the interviews... 103 is a lot more than I was expecting!

I got an interview invite, and was wondering if anyone else knew what to expect?? I heard it's a group thing, and pretty laid back. Any tips???

Congrats to everyone who got an interview. Despite my previous nervous posts I got one too! See you on March 8th!

I got an interview invite and was wondering if anyone else knew what to expect?? I heard it's a group thing, and pretty laid back. Any tips???[/quote']

Just wanted to make sure everyone saw this. It has tips for and an overview of the interview :).


The interview process will go like this:

-You get to the third floor of the nursing building (EARLY!!) and are directed to a table where you sign in and are given a name tag.

- At this table you will be assigned a number. This number is your interview group number, and each interview group will be made up of about 5 candidates.

- You are then told to go wait in the hall where all the seats are. You'll sit, nervously, with a lot of other nervous people and chit chat.

- Someone will eventually come out and call most of you into another room, which will most likely be a room with a bunch of hospital beds and chairs - one of our skills labs.

- You will sit in this room with all of the candidates that are there for that time frame, and you will all be split up according to your interview group number.

- Once in your group, a nursing student, usually in their 3-5th semester, will come in and talk to you. This student will answer any and all questions you have...ask them ANYTHING. The main purpose of this group discussion is to inform and relax you before you go into the interview.

- At some point, one of the directors of the program will come out and give you all a pep talk. This may be Mr. Ahrens...quite possibly the friendliest person ever.

- After about 30mins or so someone will start calling back group numbers. THIS IS IT, you are heading into your interview.

- The interview will be made up of three interviewers and 5 of you. They will do a few minutes of talking to ease the tension and make you aware of how the interview will go down and what they expect of you. The interviewers can be former students, current teachers, people who work in management positions at surrounding hospitals, or former deans (as was my case).

- Then the interview starts. There is no order for answering the interview questions. Don't always be the first, and NEVER always be the last.

- After the interview, you go home and stress out until you get the "Yes" or "No" letter.

Good luck!

OH yeah, some tips for the interview:

- Do not dress like you are interviewing for some super trendy fashion magazine. Dress conservatively, with conservative colors. There were people at my interview wearing some of the craziest outfits...none of them got in.

- Do not try and dress SEXY. Your interviewers are going to be middle to late-aged females. They don't want to see that.

- It is 2013...dress like it. Don't come in looking like Jackie Kennedy. And dudes, don't where jackets with those patches on the elbows...one guy did and didn't get in.

- Guys should shave or trim their facial hair. There were people there who had beards....they didn't get selected. If you have long hair, groom it so that it doesn't look grungy.

- Limit the amount of jewelry you wear, and don't wear wild jewelry. NO facial piercings.

- If you have tattoos that are showing, make them NOT show.

- Do not wear a lot of perfume or cologne.

- Be friendly. Interrupting people during the interview, or acting like an annoying know-it-all will hurt you.

- Have a question to ask. At the end of the interview they will ask you if you have any questions...ASK ONE, and make it GOOD. No questions like, "what do our scrubs look like" or "can we take days of from class".

That's about it for now. I posted something like this awhile back that probably included more stuff, but that's all I remember right now. Good luck.

Thank you HM2doc and GoVeg-wow! Those are awesome, very helpful tips/links :)

So, HM2Doc - is it possible that we will see you there?

Want to play a game? This waiting can be tough, and I want to get to know you all! Whether we get in now, or years down the road, we will all be nurses out in the healthcare field together--with a little bit of persistence. I think it would be cool to get to know you all, especially since we may end up being potential cohort classmates!

Q: Favorite Food?

A: Bacon

Q: Favorite hobby outside of nursing? (We are going to need these to keep us sane next year!)

A: Dancing

Q: Birthplace?

A: Valencia, California

Q: Current residence?

A: Jacksonville

Q: Type of nursing you want to pursue?

A: Open to different possibilities. I have a special draw to the elderly population.

Q: What made you want to pursue nursing?

A: My volunteer experience

*Add any other information I forgot! Let's keep things fun, and less competitive (i.e. no TEAS score talk, GPA stats, etc).

Hi spkgator! I think a game is a great idea; I would like to get to know everyone as well.

Q: Favorite Food?

A: Peanut butter

Q: Favorite hobby outside of nursing?

A: Riding horses

Q: Birthplace?

A: Daytona Beach

Q: Current residence?

A: St. Augustine

Q: Type of nursing you want to pursue?

A: Not 100% sure yet

Q: What made you want to pursue nursing?

A: Special interest in the field of medicine and my experience as a veterinary technician.

I'm adding this one because it's very important to me:

Q: Pets?

A: 5 year old blue pitbull named Cuervo, who is the sweetest, most wonderful dog in the world; and a ball python named Houdini, who is pretty cool as well.

Q: Favorite Food?

A: I have so many favorites! This week I would have to say mac 'n cheese.

Q: Favorite hobby outside of nursing?

A: Playing piano. I've played for 18 years now. It's a great way to relieve stress!

Q: Birthplace?

A: Jacksonville

Q: Current residence?

A: Jacksonville

Q: Type of nursing you want to pursue?

A: I'm not sure yet. I have several areas that interest me.

Q: What made you want to pursue nursing?

A: 1) I was able to help with a medical missions trip to an orphanage in Asia. 2) I've had several experiences a couple of years ago with my own health that interested me in nursing 3) my sister and brother are both nurses

Q: Pets

A: I don't have any pets. My husband and I would love to get a dog, but our schedules don't allow that right now.

Q: Favorite Food?

A: Probably Linguini with Clamsauce. Oh man, best dish ever.

Q: Favorite hobby outside of nursing?

A: Not really sure. Disney World? (see my current residence) Messing with computers? (My current field) Reading sci-fi? Honestly I don't know.

Q: Birthplace?

A: North Miami

Q: Current residence?

A: Orlando, 10mi from WDW

Q: Type of nursing you want to pursue?

A: I'm not sure yet. Either NP or CRNA if I had to pick.

Q: What made you want to pursue nursing?

A: Although I have several reasons, my primary one is to join the US Air Force, since, due to age limits they have, that is my only way in at this point. The blue calls to me, let's just say that. I'll leave it there for now.

Q: Pets

A: None, but I would love a Boston Terrier.

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