UNC-CH ABSN for 2011


Just to get a good idea of where I stand when I apply to UNC-CH's ABSN program I have a couple questions, if someone could answer. First, I am graduating with a psych degree, and a child dev. minor with a 3.5 gpa. What is the average gpa that UNC normally admits? Second, I know volunteer work is important to any admission process, however, I've always been involved in Club Lacrosse and Crew, and never had time to volunteer besides tutoring my teammates. Does anyone know how heavily they weigh volunteer work?


p.s. all of my pre-req's are completed.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

I received it Thursday! The waiting was killing me, but I wasn't expecting to hear from them so soon. I also into Emory's BSN program, but will be declining because of the price tag. Duke told me no (bummer) but at least I got my first choice :-)

I wish you the best. I really hope you get in!!!!! What school would you choose if all 3 ended working out?

Thanks- I'm so nervous because everything is in limbo!!!! I'm seriously getting gray hairs everywhere!

I think my number one would be Duke, then UCLA and UNC would be my last. Duke is super expensive but I loved the campus and the faculty and staff and since my other degrees are from state schools I'm willing to fork out the money.

It's so funny how schools work and how they chose students. Some people that get into some schools and are obviously qualified don't get into others!

If you got into UNC, which is one of the top schools in the nation why not Duke? I know a girl that got into Columbia but not UCLA....who the heck knows how they chose people. Then there's me, not accepted and not rejected- it's like I'm almost good enough but not quite. I'm not into sports but now I totally understand "second place is first loser!"

Oh well I'll keep my fingers crossed. Congrats! So you have orientation in May even if the program doesn't start until January?

I got accepted to UNC as well!! Got my letter this past Friday; the postmark was March 14, I believe. I live in NC also... I think, ocennia, that maybe since you're out of state it will take longer for the letter to reach you, as someone else said. I'm anxious for you! :)

Oh also, I applied for this May but chose to defer, so maybe it's possible they're just getting decisions cranked out as soon as possible and told us April 15th to give them and applicants some leeway with time.

Amisadai, what pre-orientation date did you pick? Congrats, by the way!

Ocennia: don't think that! I'm pretty competitive so I usually live by that same "second is first loser" rule, but I've come to realize that that just isn't true. There are so many applicants and so many different credentials to each of us... I totally understand how you feel about how admissions boards choose people too. All the things I heard about what Carolina wanted in its applicants were apparently untrue, because I fit almost none of them! :p

Remember, waitlisted folks have it easier than people who were utterly turned down, anyway! ;)

YAY!! I could not believe my eyes!! I got accepted!!!

Ocennia: don't think that! I'm pretty competitive so I usually live by that same "second is first loser" rule, but I've come to realize that that just isn't true. There are so many applicants and so many different credentials to each of us... I totally understand how you feel about how admissions boards choose people too. All the things I heard about what Carolina wanted in its applicants were apparently untrue, because I fit almost none of them! :p

Remember, waitlisted folks have it easier than people who were utterly turned down, anyway! ;)

thanks for the words of encouragement! Hopefully I'll be seeing you in January!

To those of you who were accepted,

Do you guys think we are receiving all of the financial aid information and other important info during that mandatory orientation? Duke gave so much info during their interview day that I'm pretty well versed on how their program works and their requirements. I'm assuming UNC will do the same during these orientations?

Also how many people will be in the cohort?

Congratulations again- I'm so happy to be part of this group!!

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Congrats Oceania! I knew it would happen!

@superWufie- I havent selected a date for orientation. I am leaning towards May 19th because I volunteer on Thursdays so it would make sense to take the entire day off from work. That's the only thing keeping me from sending my reply letter (sad I know) I am horrible at making decisions, but attending Carolina was the easiest decision I have ever made!

I am so excited to see other people got their letters too. At first I thought I was being pranked! I got denied by both Duke and ECU so I thought, what are the chances that UNC a higher ranking school would take silly ol' me, well now I know :-)

I am uber excited y'all!

@ Oceania- Going back to how schools do selections, I really believe what utterly killed me were my GRE scores. I only studied for 15 days and I probably averaged like 1-1.5 hours a days of studying (if that), so I did not break the 3 digits. But that was my own fault. But now I am glad that I got accepted to my first choice! A year ago (in June) I attended an information session and now a year later I got accepted. Life is amazin and if you believe in God, I think he is awesome!

What orientation sessions are y'all leaning towards? :nurse:

Amisadai- I honestly had completely disregarded UNC. I almost didn't send in my deferment because I thought "what are the chances? I might as well get my $70 back!"

Boy I'm I glad I went ahead with it!!

I will be going to the May 14th orientation since I'm already taking four days off from work to go white water rafting in Bryson City in May/June- I'm a Cali girl but North Carolina has been calling my name for quite some time!

I cried on my mom's shoulder when I read the acceptance letter. I literally have been waiting since January for some information from any school!

I'm scared that the program is only 1 year long- intense!!

Does anyone know when we find out about financial aid??

congrats again to everyone!

Congrats, ocennia!! I'm so excited for you!! I picked May 14th too.

@ocennia: I just talked to a lady in Admissions and SS; she said we will get more info on scholarships and FA at the pre-orientation session. She didn't say anything about getting anything in the mail beforehand, which is what I was expecting. But since January is a long time away, I guess it makes sense.

She also wasn't sure how many were accepted into our cohort yet, although she knows that "the total number has changed". ? Maybe we should call back after April 1st so that more reply letters have come in.

@Amisadai: I also got denied by Duke and MUSC, and was kind of surprised when I got into UNC. Duke said "in any other application period, you would have definitely gotten an interview, but there were just too many people that applied this year" (she said about twice as many as expected). Soooo I dk how to feel about that, esp since UNC made cuts, but who cares, right?? lol! Oh and don't feel bad about indecisiveness... I am the queen of that on most days. ;)

Does anyone know current students at UNC?

I know someone posted how unhappy they were with the program and I'd love to get some feedback from people who are currently in the program.

I know how much Duke students love that program and I just want to get a feel for UNC's program.


Specializes in Pediatrics.

I don't know any personally, but when I went to a meeting for the lady parts Monologues back in November I met two girls who are supposed to graduate this May. From the sound of things they sounded like they were very happy with the program. They said it is busy and time consuming but once you get the hang of it, you'll be fine. They said they rather the ABSN over the BSN bc they didnt have time to freak out about things because everything moves fast so you either do it and get it done or freak out and fall behind. They also told me even though its busy they still had time (how much not sure) to do other things like go out for a run, visit family ocassionally and their cohort would have get together every so many times to mark a milestone towards graduation (like "125 days until graduation" celebration). After talking to them, I was convinced the ABSN was a better choice for me than the BSN (not because I wont have a life but bc the whole second degree and everyone is pretty much in the same boat). They were amazing and I message one of them to thank her for encouraging me to apply to the ABSN. I haven't received a reply from her, but if I do I will try to squeeze as much info and tips from her. Oh yeah, she told me that buying the books were pointless because it seems that most (if not all) professor taught straight from the powerpoint and tested from it too. There is one girl on my FB who is in the program, so I will try to reach out to her and see if I can ask her for advice and such, especially because she will be graduating in may too.

I wonder if they admissions people would put us in touch with some current students for advice and things like that...

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