UMDNJ Newark Spring 2010 Accelerated BSN


Hi everyone!

I just got my acceptance letter and am super excited!!! :yeah:

So I wanted to post and see who some of my new friends are going to be! Let me know if you are accepted and I'd love to chat with you!

Congratulations on your acceptance to UMDNJ School of Nursing!!!

I would love to apply to the same university! But I was wondering, how early did you prepare to apply to the accelerated nursing program?

That is a loaded question. Thanks for the congrats!

I've been basically preparing for 5.5 years... I have a bachelors in Exercise Science that contains some of my prereqs and I am almost finished with a Masters in Nutrition. I redid A&P I and II and Micro for grade/expiring reasons over the last summer and this fall. It took me a while to learn how to study and figure out how I learn, but since then my GPA has sky rocketed up.

What all do you have left to take? What is your bachelors in?

I don't really know what got me accepted, but spend a lot of time on your personal statement. Make sure you have a resume that shows you are hard worker. And choose your recommendations wisely. They wouldn't say it straight out, but they like a "variety" of reco letters.

Let me know if I can help anymore!

Wow! Sounds like you have a LOT of expertise (not sure if I'm using the right word... hmm).

Sounds like you have a lot of qualifications!!! Wow! A Bachelors and then a Masters! Good GPA, figured out how you learn best. :3 How did you figure out what your learning style is?

I am majoring in Psychology at Rutgers, planning to graduate this coming Spring 2010! Spring semester, I would like to take Anatomy and Physiology II and over the summer, take Microbiology at a community college. Then, in the fall, take more pre requisites that fulfill Drexel's accelerated nursing program. During the fall semester, I hope to apply to Drexel, UMDNJ and two diploma/associate nursing programs at nearby hospitals.

I just don't know whether Accelerated Nursing Program or Diploma/Associate is more appropriate for me. I am worried that the speed may be too fast for me. You could say that I haven't found what study style is best for me.

Rutgers A&P is rough... I took it last summer.. and am finishing up Micro at Middlesex right now... its a lot of work to figure out what works for you... but I just kept trying different things and now have a long complicated process down, but it works.

Good luck! My roommate went ot Drexel and loved it... UMDNJ was my top choice and luckily I got it :-).... but everyone is different.

Good luck and if you have any questions about prereqs and stuff let me know... I'll let you know how UMDNJ is!

i got accepted too for january!!! soo excited!!!

yeaah! we're going to become very good friends over the next 16 months!! congrats! Where do you live? aaah! so exciting and nerve racking at the same time... isn't it?

i live in keyport, what about u??? yes, im sure we will be great friends. what is your name? do u have facebook or anything????

I need to post one more... then I'm going to send you a personal message with all my info... I live in Edison... and yes I have facebook I'll sed you my info!


Congrats! When did you apply to UMDNJ for January admission? Did you already have all your pre-reqs completed or are you finishing them this semester?

The reason I ask is that I have also applied for January and they were supposed to by looking at my application this week, but haven't heard anything yet. I am finishing my pre-reqs this semester, but got all my progress reports in several weeks ago and I have a 4.0 in all of those.

Hope that I will be joining you all in January!

i sent all my stuff out in september i think. but yes im finishing up my pre-reqs. im currently taking statistics and chemistry. once i sent in my midterm grades i got my acceptance letter within a week, so they are pretty quick. good luck, i hope you get in!!!:D

check the mail tomorrow! we both got our letters two weeks ago on Saturday and we are both finishing up prereqs so you should be fine!

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