Published Nov 22, 2008
22 Posts
I'm in the process of applying to UMass Boston's Accelerated BSN program that will start in Summer of 2009. I'm wondering if anyone has any information about the program. Has anyone applied? Has anyone been accepted or heard back?
Also I was wondering if anyone knows anything about the housing situation. I've done some research and they said they were going to build residence halls to make the University more appealing to students who don't live in the area. Does anyone know if they have started the project or when they are going to start it?
I look forward to getting a response! :nuke:
25 Posts
I'm currently in the middle of the pilot program for UMASS boston's accelerated 2nd degree BSN program. If you have any questions about it, I'd be happy to answer them.
It wasn't that difficult to get into, but they're really looking for diversity. A little about me, so you know what the "accepted student profile" looks like. My previous degree was in biology and psychology. I graduated undergrad with a 3.68 GPA. I worked for 5 years in biomedical research. I'm married, and I have a 3 year old.
The program is really hard. They tell you that it is impossible to work, but I recommend retaining your job until after the summer is over. You'll need the money later. I'm about halfway through now - and it's amazing! Hard, but definitely good.
Best of luck!:nuke:
58 Posts
Hi biok8e,
I'm interested in the accelerated program at UMASS and was hoping you may be able to give some detail about the class and clinical schedule. I also have an almost 3 year old and a 9 month old. I'm wondering how you manage with a child and if you use daycare and how you're managing while taking care of your child? I appreciate any info at all you may have. Thank you!
The class and clinical schedule is rotating, so it's really impossible to work. I'm really lucky to have a helpful husband - and amazing in-laws that pick up and drop off my daughter from preschool for me. For instance, my schedule this semester is that I have Monday and Tuesday off, but clinical Wednesday from 7-1:30, Clinical Thursday from 7AM to 7PM and class all day (from 10AM to 5PM) on Friday. Next semester (Winter session) is all day, every day. Who knows what spring will bring?!?!
As far as classes, it's basics for the first summer - you spend all your time in class and in the lab. Don't get comfortable - it's easy for the first semester. Fall is a butt-kicker. You have med-surg, mental health, pathophysiology & pharmacology (online).
It's not that the work is all that hard, (it's difficult but not impossible) it's that you're expected to do it simultaneously. With traditional programs, you would have Med-surg by itself with a 3 credit in class course. You'd never have more than one clinical at a time. In the accelerated program - you have nothing but two clinicals at once. So it's a constant barrage: one test after another, one paper after another, one assignment after another - no breaks, no rest, no time between. The other thing that is kind of sucky is that you never find out what your exact schedule will be until about a week before classes are supposed to start. This is because of difficulties with clinical sites, etc. So really - you can't plan for child care. You just have to suck it up and hope you have enough people that will help you out.
This program is new, so you'd probably be able to get in without too much effort - but beware, they're still working out the kinks! If you really just want to get licensed and get it over with, and you're willing to deal with a little red tape and miscommunication, then this program is for you. However, if you like to have things be 'just so' or if you have a hard time when things are ambiguous, I'd look elsewhere. I really hope this helped for you! And good luck.
5 Posts
Hi all,
I'm also applying to the UMB Accelerated nursing program. I graduated with a bachelor's in psychology and a minor in business management. Currently, I have a 3.54? in my prereqs and finishing up my last 2 prereqs. Up to now, I have a GPA of a 2.95 and hoping that I do well in these 2 last prerequistes, I will bump up my GPA. Since July, I have been working at Mount Auburn Hospital as a Patient Care Attendent (nurse's aide) and recieved really good reccomendations from my manager and a RN.
If anyone has any suggestions or opinions, please let me know! :)
52 Posts
Hi ~
I'm also applying for the 2009 summer session of the BSN accelerated program. I have two children ages 7 and 10. Do a lot of the students have children? If so, how many? My biggest concern is the scheduling, and your thread was invaluable in terms of how to prepare for the childcare aspect. I'm securing help in that area now, but also wanted to ask you what, if any, advice you had on how to best prepare for the rigors of taking 2 clinical at once? I did well in all the prerequisite courses, but really havn't retained all that much. Should I be brushing up on anything that might help with the coursework? I also plan to get my CNA certificate before starting, for some added expereince. You also noted that the first semester was relatively easy compared to the winter session, now that the winter session is coming to a close, in retrospect, could you provide an analysis of it now? That would be most helpful. And lastly, do you have your schedule for the Spring session yet? If so, could you please share????
Thanks so much for all this info, its so important that I have something to go by, and the program doesn't offer much in the way of details!!!
Thanks again for all the information, it really helps to have the prespective of someone who is in the 'thick' of it!!! Please let me know how the Spring semester goes....if it is as much of a 'butt kicker' as the Fall semester was...Pinkemme
Seriously - your biggest problem with the UMB program won't be getting in. You had my credentials almost exactly, except my minor was in Biology. My GPA was a little bit higher - but they're looking more for a well-rounded student to represent the "diversity" that is UMass. Just be a pain in the ass, make SURE you get an interview... then stun 'em with your amazing personality! You'll be fine!
Okay -
I just finished my Med-Surg final exam... wasn't too bad! This semester was kind of a butt-kicker for me. It's just a full time job to keep up with everything. Upcoming is winter session with maternity and infant. For spring, I will have pediatrics, community health and some filler stuff. Looking back on this semester, I'd say it was the toughest one yet. I should probably preface all of my statements by saying that I'm not the smartest cookie in the jar, and it takes me a lot of work to pull off A's! It doesn't come naturally like it does for some people. I'd put myself solidly in the middle of the pack, academically. That said, unless you're a freaking genius... please don't underestimate the amount of time and support you will need to complete this program. I've got my husband AND my in-laws helping out a LOT and it's still borderline impossible to get everything done on time.
You ask how to prepare - and the best advice I can give you is to buy a planner, and use it like it's a new religion. By that, I mean, you've got to be militant about due dates and deadlines. You need to schedule time to study as well as time to spend with your children AND time to clean your house, oh, and sleep doesn't hurt, either.
If you're planning on getting a CNA certificate, it probably won't hurt - but the likelihood you'll have time to USE it is slim to none. You're better off flashing back to your first undergrad degree and tending bar or waiting some tables. Fast money - REALLY flexible schedule.
As far as having my schedule for spring? HA!!!!! I don't even have my schedule for January yet! They tell you about three days in advance where you need to be and for how long. It's really kind of silly. (Bitter? Me? Nah!) If you get in, you CAN do this - it just takes determination (or a really hard head).
Thanks Biok8e!
I'm really nervous, hopefully out of the hundreds I hope to get picked!
Okay - I just finished my Med-Surg final exam... wasn't too bad! This semester was kind of a butt-kicker for me. It's just a full time job to keep up with everything. Upcoming is winter session with maternity and infant. For spring, I will have pediatrics, community health and some filler stuff. Looking back on this semester, I'd say it was the toughest one yet. I should probably preface all of my statements by saying that I'm not the smartest cookie in the jar, and it takes me a lot of work to pull off A's! It doesn't come naturally like it does for some people. I'd put myself solidly in the middle of the pack, academically. That said, unless you're a freaking genius... please don't underestimate the amount of time and support you will need to complete this program. I've got my husband AND my in-laws helping out a LOT and it's still borderline impossible to get everything done on time. You ask how to prepare - and the best advice I can give you is to buy a planner, and use it like it's a new religion. By that, I mean, you've got to be militant about due dates and deadlines. You need to schedule time to study as well as time to spend with your children AND time to clean your house, oh, and sleep doesn't hurt, either. If you're planning on getting a CNA certificate, it probably won't hurt - but the likelihood you'll have time to USE it is slim to none. You're better off flashing back to your first undergrad degree and tending bar or waiting some tables. Fast money - REALLY flexible schedule. As far as having my schedule for spring? HA!!!!! I don't even have my schedule for January yet! They tell you about three days in advance where you need to be and for how long. It's really kind of silly. (Bitter? Me? Nah!) If you get in, you CAN do this - it just takes determination (or a really hard head).
thanks so much again, for sharing your thoughts. I plan to have help in the house cleaning area, as well as with the kids. I'm trying to prepare them as best as possible, that they probably won't see their 'mommy' for the length of the program! However, Daddy is a lot of fun, and will have to fill my shoes as the 'entertainer' for a while. Please keep up the posts, and let us know how you fare, I'm anxious to apply and see what happens, one day at a time as they say. P.S. the day-planner is a great tip, and one I can definately use!
hey guys,
Just wondering, to those who got in to the accelerated program, how was your GPA? My current GPA is 2.956 and my prereqs so far is 3.42ish. I'm waiting for 1 more class to boost up the prereqs GPA.
Any opinions?