UK nurses overseas - maintaining NMC registration


Specializes in ER.

OK, so the rules have changed, and CPD is no longer enough.

I'm wondering about how to achieve the "reflective discussion" part when there are no UK registered nurses where I work.

So, all expat Brits, please let me know how you plan to maintain your NMC registration. Is anyone agreeable to contacting me, with a view to maybe planning an email/Skype discussion that we both can document?

I'm in Chicago btw, so if there are any other UK nurses here, we can meet in Panera instead : )

Specializes in Emergency Department.

Hi, I have been looking at this as I have to revalidate this year. If you go to here;

it will tell all you need to know about getting revalidated. It also has a paragraph on page 29 about revalidating if you are overseas.

Hope this helps.

Specializes in ER.

OK but who do I have the professional discussion with? It has to be someone with NMC registration, and there aren't a whole lot of them in Illinois!!

Specializes in emergency nursing.

I have just moved to nevada and I have been thinking about the same thing ... my revalidation is not due until next year, I am sure if we get our heads together we can come up with something x

Specializes in ER.

Ooh, I think I will see if I can persuade the NMC to fund me on a trip to Vegas!!

Specializes in emergency nursing.

Haha .... vegas is where I work !!!

Specializes in ER.

Sounds like a plan then!!

Seriously, I have emailed the NMC to ask for their take on this. I haven't asked them for money for a trip to Vegas just yet, I'll wait for their initial response and that can be my Plan B if they don't have any sensible suggestions.

I do go back to London at least once a year, so I "could" spend a day at the NMC having a professional discussion, but I like the Vegas plan better : )

Specializes in emergency nursing.

I am sure should be ok to do video conference from what I read in the booklet, but please let me know what they say x

Specializes in ER.

Yeah there always skype, but I still like the idea of the NMC flying me to Vegas!!

Specializes in NICU.

Yeah, I asked the NMC about this and they said I could skype with someone. The whole idea of discussing your career for revalidation seems completely off the wall. That's the job of an employer, not a registering body.

Specializes in ER.

Ok, so Skype it is then.

Shame, I was really hoping we could convince the NMC that all UK nurses based in the US should meet in Vegas. At the NMC's expense of course!!!

And incidentally, the NMC still have not replied to my email of two weeks ago, asking how they envisaged overseas based nurses meeting this requirement.

This seems to be some sort of appraisal type approach, which as you say works when done by a manager, but not with complete strangers, or former colleagues from years gone by.

I know if I try to do this on skype with friends back home it will turn into a 'save the NHS' rally and never get back on topic.

Specializes in NICU.

When is yours due? Luckily my revalidation isn't due for a couple of years, so I hope they sort out all the kinks by the time I have to do send it all in. Maybe they'll make it easier for us by that point.

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