Uk nurse wanting to move to the america


Hi all :) I have been on here before ... I am trying to sort out my transition to the states ... Am not concerned to much about the visa process as my fiancé is an American citizen and can sponsor me . But I phoned the Florida state of nursing and they want my transcripts which is all fair and good , this will be to compare my learning to that of an American nurse I imagine , however they want $300 + to read my transcripts and am worried sick that what if I don't compare ... I know that they need hours in paeds obs, mental health , child and adult ... I did the common foundation year that encompassed a health visitor / school nurse placement and I went out with the midwives , however that was all one placement that lasted 5 weeks ... That was 160 hours total ... I also did a mental health placement that was 172 hours total ... I have done community , surgical , medical , ICU , HDU , community hospital , and Macmillan ... But am worried about my mother, child and baby won't be enough ... I can't sleep with the worry and I can't seem to find out any information except from when I hand in my transcripts and be charged the $300 will I know for sure and if there is anything I can do if I do fall short ... Which reading on here seems unlikely ...

Am Sad and confused about this whole process!

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That's great :) thank you for telling me this :) did you sit the cgfns and nclex here on in America

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Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

CGFNS offers a few different services but the exam is only required by a handful of states but FL doesn't require the exam so you only have to think about is NCLEX and you can find more about studying for NCLEX in the NCLEX forum under the student tab

OMG ... That is good news ... So I thought I had to send my transcripts to cgfns ? So where do I send them ? Thank you silverdragon so much for giving me this info... I know it's such a hard and complicated long drawn out process but hopefully I will get on the right track and know if America will be the place for us :)

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Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
OMG ... That is good news ... So I thought I had to send my transcripts to cgfns ? So where do I send them ? Thank you silverdragon so much for giving me this info... I know it's such a hard and complicated long drawn out process but hopefully I will get on the right track and know if America will be the place for us :)

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Depending on who you decide to use for evaluation will depend on who your transcripts get sent to. Make sure that if you send them they are in a sealed envelope with the university stamp on the back otherwise ask the university to send direct to whom ever you have decided on

Specializes in Critical Care/NICU.


I sat my nclex in London. Vermont were really fast with results and I got them later that day which was great. I got them when sat on the train. You would be better using cgfns, because they do the visa screen but don't know if you will need with the visa you are going to get.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

If marrying a USC then visa screen isn't required however if planning on doing further study many universities use CGFNS

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Vermont now requires a valid social security number as part of the application process.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

If FL is your end destination I would just apply to them. They used to have on their website if registered in another state you was expected to have x amount of years working in that state. Think it was 2 years but better to check first

Specializes in Critical Care/NICU.

Florida board of nursing have lots of information online, if there is anything you are unsure if you can give them a call they were very helpful when I looked at endorsing to them. They are good with email contact as well. I would just go ahead and get your credential evaluation and you can go from there. I registered 5 years ago and a lot of things have changed since then.

I will hopefully be moving in the next two years. Good luck on your journey, it will be worth it.

Are you getting married ? Will your husband sponsor you on fiancée visa?

Good luck

OMG ... That is good news ... So I thought I had to send my transcripts to cgfns ? So where do I send them ? Thank you silverdragon so much for giving me this info... I know it's such a hard and complicated long drawn out process but hopefully I will get on the right track and know if America will be the place for us :)

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hi just wondering are you a general or learning disability nurse? I'm an irish learning disability nurse and don't seem to be eligible to work in U.S. :(
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