UHM nursing school 2012 spring

U.S.A. Hawaii


so i'm working towards applying for nursing school for spr 2012... That'll give me some time to raise my c-gpa a little bit and to retake my nln. in fact i just took my nln for the second time and got a 125 composite. however i was not able to apply for fall 2011 bc my verbal section i got a 49%tile and i needed the 50%tile on all 3 sections... verbal section is my weak point. i had a 94%tile and 85%tile math and science. it kills me because i studied so hard for verbal and yet i scored so horribly. I'm planning to take it again the third time around hoping i score better than 50%tile for the verbal section. i guess i can use my excuse-english is my second language. is there anything i can do to raise my verbal score??? I used so many books to study for the nln yet still poor score :( should i find a tutor? or should i study vocab books and such? another thing is that my c/gpa is at 2.89 right now. i'm taking two classes at UH right now hoping to get all A's and a anthro class in the summer to bring it up to 3.0. i really don't want to give up nursing school... it's something my heart is set on for a while... i believe my pre-req gpa should be around 3.6 after anthro in the summer. what are my chances of getting into nursing school for spr 2012 if my c-gpa is 3.0 and pre-req is 3.6ish and if i improve on my verbal section for nln the third time around?

bleh i have no clue, but Brian said around 300 usually

apply, i heard 140 something are actually considered because they filled everything out correctly.

Just got my Entrance Exams Scores!

NLN SCORES- composite 137


Math -90


Hopefully that will make up for my c-GPA

now all thats left is to turn in my application!

WOW Your scores are really good for the NLN! I really need help studying for that, especially the verbal and science portion. Maybe you can help me ?

Hey cha12m, I took the NLN twice. The first time I reviewed the review book off and on for a month and scored a 117 and had a 49 in the verbal so I couldn't apply to UH. So I had to take the NLN again and the second time I took way more seriously. I read the review book everyday even if it was just for 10 minutes at a time. I reviewed it everyday for 3 months straight. Everyone is different on how they absorb the info and for me repetition is what worked.

Hey cha12m, I took the NLN twice. The first time I reviewed the review book off and on for a month and scored a 117 and had a 49 in the verbal so I couldn't apply to UH. So I had to take the NLN again and the second time I took way more seriously. I read the review book everyday even if it was just for 10 minutes at a time. I reviewed it everyday for 3 months straight. Everyone is different on how they absorb the info and for me repetition is what worked.

Thanks for the tip. Yeah I think my math is fine, I just need to work on my Science and Verbal. Those are the two subjects that's messing me up. How did you do on verbal? Sorry if you already posted your stats on an earlier convo in this thread. As for the science, how did you study for that? Because to me it seems like reading the book and doing the practice quizzes/tests from the NLN study guide didn't really help me much? Not sure why...Any advice would be great :)

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